二、cx_Oracle连接报错处理 1.错误信息 2020-05-29 13:52:03,960 logger.py[line:18] WARNING Oracle数据库连接错误:Traceback (most recent call last): File"C:/Users/mabot/Desktop/DataIn/bfcecdw/DataInput/database.py", line 48,inoraconnect encoding='utf-8'cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: DPI-1047:...
On most platforms,the ORACLE_SID environment variable sets the SID,whereas the ORACLE_HOME variable sets the Oracle home. When connecting to an instance, clients can specify the SID in an Oracle Net connection or use a net service name. Oracle Database converts a service name into an ORACLE...
We have a 2 node RAC 19c database and clients are connecting to the database remotely using tnsnames.ora file We noticed that when the clients use SERVICE_NAME to connect to the RAC database it works but when they use SID, it does not . ...
hi , i am trying to kill sid in windows database 2 ways but still alive that sid in db 1. alter system kill session 'sid,serial#' immediate; 2.orakill <oracle_sid> <spid> these 2 methods not helping to me any another way to kill sid in oracle windows database ?
楼主都没设置环境变量,估计楼上的方法都不能用 你的机器是Windows的话,打开服务面板,找OracleServiceXXXX,后面的XXXX就是你的SID 或者打开安装目录 $ORACLE_HOME下的database目录或者dbs目录,里面有spfileXXXX.ora
You can now specify theDB_UNIQUE_NAMEvalue and the Oracle SID prefix when creating a new Oracle Database in Exadata Cloud Service. You can also set these values when creating a standby database in an Oracle Data Guard association. See the following topics for instructions: ...
The same SID prefix used for the primary database can now also be used for the standby database when creating a Data Guard Association. For more information, see: Using the Console to Enable Data Guard on an Exadata Cloud Infrastructure System...
ORACLE NOT AVAILABLE error, since you can’t attach to a shared memory segment that is identified by this unique key. OnWindows, shared memory isn’t used in the same fashion as UNIX, but the SID is still important. You can have more than one database on the same ORACLE_HOME, so ...