if($newValue-ne$value)#update if values are different{Set-ADObject$obj-Replace@{"msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes"=$newValue}if( ($newvalue-band0x0080000)-eq0) {$msgAfter+="Enabled"}else{$msgAfter+="Disabled"}Write-Host$msgAfter}else{Write-Host"Resource gr...
Windows Server 2012 KDC 可利用資源 SID 壓縮來協助減少 PAC 的大小。 根據預設,Windows Server 2012 KDC 一律會壓縮資源 SID。 若要壓縮資源 SID,KDC 會儲存目標資源所屬資源網域的 SID。 然後,它只會將每個資源 SID 的 RID 部分插入驗證數據的ResourceGroupIds部分。
I don’t have a great computer and sadly my computer can barely run it so I wish it was available for other platforms because a PS4 is much cheaper than buying a good gaming CPU. How many hours did you play it? I have played this game for at least 900+ hours. Its a fun game ...
How did the HVSC get started? Whose idea was it to create a definitive archive of all the original C64 music?The HVSC project started in May 1996 when "The Shark" decided to merge many SID collections available on the internet into one big collection. The previous SID collections contained...
For Windows 2000 and later, user accounts can be created on any domain controller, so the RID allocation algorithm is somewhat more complicated.Clearly a great deal of effort is made to ensure uniqueness of SIDs, if SIDs did not uniquely identify a user, then “bad things” would happen....
Why did the town people regard the monkey as something frightening? A. He was smart and always escaped from the people's traps. B. The orchard keeper told the town people to get rid of him. C. He did something that upset the people's lives. D. He disturbed the town people whil...
It's easy to see why the rest of the band loathed Nancy, all she did was act as a Yoko Ono from hell, steering Sid away from the band and into the cesspool of heroin addiction. I suppose it could be seen as a tragic personal tale, but in truth, I'd much rather watch "The ...
Thunders did his best to introduce his drug of choice to the London scene, in one instance waving a heroin-filled syringe in Vicious face and shouting, Are you a boy or a man? But it wasnt until a short while later, when a repulsed Johnny Rotten attempted to halt Spungens unwanted ...
Th e first thing I did was to s e e if ther e wer e any products that might help me, but ther e only seemed to b e powders de signed to kill snakes. A new approach was clearly needed. I set about researching th e habits of snakes to find th e easiest way to trap them. ...
For Windows 2000 and later, user accounts can be created on any domain controller, so the RID allocation algorithm is somewhat more complicated.Clearly a great deal of effort is made to ensure uniqueness of SIDs, if SIDs did not uniquely identify a user, then “bad things” would happen....