individual for his arrest, the sheriff or other officer is authorized, after he has arrested him, if he be so dangerously sick, that to remove him would endanger his life or health, to let him remain where he found him, and to return the facts at large, or simply languidus. (q.v....
For these reasons, we may share your site usage data with our social media, advertising, and analytics partners. By clicking ”Accept,” you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Cookie Policy. You can change your cookie settings at any time by clicking “Preferences.” Pr...
Conclusions: Going to work ill repeatedly is associated with long-term sickness absence at a later date. For this reason, researchers and policy-makers should consider this phenomenon more carefully when planning future studies of sickness absence or when laying out new policies.C...
Fit for Work? The Influence of Sick Pay and Job Flexibility on Sickness Absence and Implications for Presenteeism Recent developments in UK policy on health and employment have sought to change perceptions about what constitutes 'fitness for work'. With the aim of redu... A Irvine - 《Social ...
Thus, employers in collaboration with employees should consider implementing strategies to prevent unwanted sexual attention at work at three levels: 1) organizational: i.e. developing a policy including focus on how to deal with sexually harassing behavior, management training; 2) job / task level...
J Quadagno - 《Journal of Health Politics Policy & Law》 被引量: 24发表: 2004年 Caretakers' Management of Childhood Acute Respiratory Infections and the Use of Antibiotics, Bohol, the Philippines During January-April 1993 in the Philippines interviews were conducted with 45 health workers at eith...
time taken off from work etc because of sickness. He has been on sick-leave for the last three days.baja por enfermedadmake (someone) sick to make (someone) feel very annoyed, upset etc. It makes me sick to see him waste money like that. reventar/hacer rabiar/dar asco (a alguien) ...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Medical Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia </>embed</> sickness nausea seasickness naupathia mal de mer car sickness airsickness air sickness kinetosis motion sic...
1. Introduction1.1 Policy Context1.2 Existing Evidence1.3 Research Questions T Burchardt 被引量: 37发表: 2003年 Influence of aerospace flight on the normal cardiovascular system: stresses and effects. 1. 1. The circulatory system is a transport mechanism and the work imposed on it must consider ...
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