病态窦房结综合征(sick sinus syndrome):简称病窦综合征,是由窦房结病变导致功能减退,产生多种心律失常的综合表现。病人可在不同时间出现一种以上的心律失常,表现为与心动过缓有关的心、脑等脏器供血不足的症状,如发作性晕眩、黑矇、乏力等,严重者可发生晕厥。心电图表现包括:①持续而显著的窦性心动过缓(<50...
This tool does not provide medical advice.See additional information: THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and shoul...
Sick Sinus Syndrome是一支来自捷克的老派病理学血腥乐队,成员包括Malignant Tumour、Meat Spreader、Ingrind、Ahumado Granujo和pathologist的现任/前任成员,这是他们在2021年推出的首张全长专辑,十分精彩!, 视频播放量 4288、弹幕量 0、点赞数 221、投硬币枚数 43、收
病态窦房结综合征(sick sinus syndrome,SSS)简称病窦综合征。是由于窦房结或其周围组织原器质性病变导致窦房结冲动形成障碍,或窦房结至心房冲动传导障碍所致的多种心律失常和多种症状的综合病征。主要特征为窦性心动过缓,当合并快速性心律失常反复发作时称为心动过缓——心动过速综合征。大多于40岁以上出现症状。
A definition of the term "sick sinus syndrome" is presented. It refers to several electrocardiographical abnormalities caused by a malfunction of the sinoatrial node of the heart, in which there are episodes of tachycardia alternating with episodes of heart block or severely decreased heart rate, ...
美 英 un.病态窦房结综合症 网络病窦症候群;不整 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 病态窦房结综合症 释义: 全部,病态窦房结综合症,病窦症候群,不整
Sick sinus syndrome. Sick Sinus Syndrome Long-term follow-up of patients from a randomised trial of atrial versus ventricular pacing for sick-sinus syndrome. Single coronary artery and sick sinus syndrome A randomized comparison of atrial and dual-chamber pacing in 177 consecutive patients with sick...
Referredtoassicksinussyndrome,alsoknownassinusnode dysfunction.Sinusnodepacingiscausedbylesionsofthe sinoatrialnodeanditsadjacenttissuesand(orsinus conductiondisturbances)resultinginavarietyofarrhythmias andclinicalsymptoms.Mostlysymptomsover40yearsofage. AccordingtotheZhongshanHospitalofShanghaiMedical ...
Define sick sinus syndrome. sick sinus syndrome synonyms, sick sinus syndrome pronunciation, sick sinus syndrome translation, English dictionary definition of sick sinus syndrome. abbr. Selective Service System American Heritage® Dictionary of the Eng