■ Note the symbols on the packaging. ■ Do not remove packaging until immediately before you start mounting. 4.2 Transport inspection Immediately upon receipt at the receiving work station, check the delivery for complete‐ ness and for any damage that may have occurred in transit. In the case...
en Yellow LED flashes; if Alarm is Sensor is still ready for oper‐ Check operating conditions: present then take note of the ation, but the operating condi‐ align light beam (light stop) corresponding output signal tions are not ideal completely on the object / cleaning of optical surfaces...
Thesicknotewasagodsend.Itnotonlyallowedmetotakethenecessarytimeofffrommystudiesorworkbutalsorelievedmeoftheguiltofmissingoutonimportantcommitments.Withthesicknoteinhand,Ifeltasenseofreassuranceandcomfort.IknewthatIwasdoingtherightthingbytakingcareofmyhealthandthatIhadthenecessarydocumentationtobackitup. However,the...
A multistate modelling approach was used, where we analysed successive individual transitions over time between the following states: work, full SA, graded SA, pregnancy benefits, maternity leave, and “other” (not registered in one of the aforementioned states). Note that every individual may ex...
For instance, our previous work among Kenyan YMSM found an estimated HIV prevalence of 3.6% which is six times higher than that of Kenyan heterosexual men aged 18–24 years [5]. We also observed pervasive prevalence of STIs, with more than half (58.8%) of study participants testing ...
However, information on the need for inpatient care was used as a proxy for COVID-19 severity. In addition, information on the type of work, work demands, and tasks was unavailable. However, we used employment types that provided work-related information to explain the sick leave duration. ...
SICK LIDAR本地化扫描数据记录说明说明书 Scan Data Recording LiDAR Localization
The doctor has 1 (诊断)me with flu and has 2 (建议) me to stay off work for the rest of the week. I hope you will grant me four days off work. If I am 3 (好转) by the end of the week, I will gladly do some work from home. In the meantime, I 4 (随函附上)the ...
They learned that appreciating diversity of all kinds enriches relationships, a school, a workplace, and a community. Trying to see past it, not talk about it, or question other people’s adaptive behavior is part of being in the majority. Some call this “white privilege”. Side note –...