2月27日,电科装备官微宣布,旗下2所微电子装备研究部研发的8英寸碳化硅单晶生长炉已在2025年开年顺利发往四川客户现场。 这一进展不仅彰显了国产8英寸碳化硅单晶生长炉在技术与应用层面的实质性突破,同时也标志着8英寸碳化硅产业化进程的加速推进。 随着新能源汽车800V高压平台普及和光伏储能需求激增,8英寸SiC衬底正从...
截至目前,已经有多家国内企业在海外市场打开了新局面,收获了国际客户的订单。 近日,《2024碳化硅(SiC)产业调研白皮书》启动了调研工作,在调研苏州优晶半导体科技股份有限公司的过程中,“行家说三代半”了解到,优晶科技也在海外市场收获颇丰。 据优晶科技相关负责人介绍,2023年底,优晶科技获得了一家国际半导体巨头I公...
When aiming to achieve maximum system benefits by using SiC MOSFETs it is advisable to complement Infineon’s CoolSiC™ MOSFETs with Infineon’s EiceDRIVER™ gate-driver ICs to fully leverage the advantage of the SiC-technology. Improved efficiency, space and weight savings, part count reduction...
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CEAUSSIC Online: Fostering Public Dialogue on the State of the FieldCEAUSSICEthics CasebooksecurityEngagement of Anthropology with US Security and Intelligence CommunitiesNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1556-3502.2009.50421.xRobert Albro...
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Bob Iger, former chairman of Disney, once told us: "Deep and enduring curiosity allows you to discover new people, places and ideas, as well as recognize and understand the market and its changing dynamics. The road to innovation beg...
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