Figure 8: Destructive short-circuit test of driver and SiC MOSFET Conclusion To conclude, SiC technology enables high-efficiency and high-power–density systems but must be driven with several strategies in mind. The gate driver must have a sufficient drive capability to reduce switching losses and...
Supported Product Families Gate Driver CoolSiC™ MOSFET Boards & Designs EVAL-1ED3890MX12M Status: active and preferred Infineon Read MoreBuy Online The EVAL-1ED3890MX12M is in half-bridge configuration with two gate driver ICs (1ED3890MX12M) to drive power switches such as Si MOSFETs, IGBT...
Since SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT have the similar MOS-gated structure, it is normally regarded that the gate driver of SiC MOSFET can directly inherit from that of Si IGBT. However, considering the different device physics properties, some special design considerations need to be taken. In addition...
Infineon AN2014-12. EiceDRIVER™ 1EDI Compact Family. Technical description. Infineon AN2018-09. Guidelines for CoolSiC™ MOSFET gate drive voltage window. Infineon AN2017-14. Evaluation Board EVAL-1EDI20H12AH-SIC. Infineon AN2007-04. How to calculate and minimize the dead time requirement ...
(CMTI). The reference design contains the two-level turn-off circuit which protects the MOSFET from voltage overshoot during the short circuit scenario. The DESAT detection threshold and the delay time for second stage turn-off are configurable. The ISO7721-Q1 digital isolator is implemented for ...
[2]L. Zhang et al., “Design Considerations for High-Voltage-Insulated Gate Drive Power Supply for 10-kV SiC MOSFET Applied in Medium-Voltage Converter,”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, early press, 2020. [3]X. Zhang et al., “A Gate Drive With Power Over Fiber-Based Isolated...
串联SiC MOSFET驱动研究 热度: SiC MOSFET功率模块高温隔离驱动技术研究 热度: 1 Subject to change without notice. .cree SiC MOSFET Isolated Gate Driver SiC MOSFET Isolated Gate Driver Bob Callanan, Cree Inc C P W R - A N 1 0 , R
This paper shows a gate driver design for 1.7 kV SiC MOSFET module as well a Rogowski-coil based current sensor for effective short circuit protection. The design begins with the power architecture selection for better common-mode noise immunity as the driver is subjected to high dv/dt due to...
[摘要] 由于高开关速度和低通态电阻,碳化硅(SiC)金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)的开关过程易受杂散参数的影响,表现出较强的过电流、过电压和电流电压振荡,影响 SiC MOSFET 的高效、高质、安全应用和潜能充分利用。半桥电路为逆变器、PWM 整流器、多电平变流器等众多电力电子电路的组成单元。该文以SiC MOSFET...
Although the MOSFET parasitic CDS (CRSS) is very low, the high VDS dV/dt during turnoff can result in coupling enough charge from the drain-to-gate capacitance to reach the threshold voltage if negative drive and a close- coupled driver layout is not in place. 3.1 MOSFET Switching Transient...