JFET gate driver designSiCbuck converterspower converter topologiesEven though there is increasing interest in silicon carbide (SiC) JFETs, the fact that they are most commonly normally on devices intimates some designers. Therefore it is important that appropriate gate driver circuits are also ...
This paper shows a gate driver design for 1.7 kV SiC MOSFET module as well a Rogowski-coil based current sensor for effective short circuit protection. The design begins with the power architecture selection for better common-mode noise immunity as the driver is subjected to high dv/dt due to...
A universal automatic and self-powered gate driver power supply for normally-ON SiC JFETs Normally-ON silicon carbide junction-field-effect transistors have a simple design and exhibit advantageous performance in terms of losses, elevated juncti... A Giannakis,D Peftitsis - 《Iet Power Electronics...
A key element of all gate-drive designs is the selection of the gate-voltage levels. With theCoolSiC MOSFET technology, Infineon allows designers to choose a turn-ON gate voltage between 18 V and 15 V, and thus configure the switch for highest current-carrying capability or short-circuit rug...
In systems that require a robust and reliable power-transistor bridge, proper design of the transistor gate-driver circuitry is at least as important as the selection of the power transistor itself. Asymmetrical turn-on/turn-off voltages, with negative-offset turn-off, are known to be effective...
A key element that acts as an interface between the controller and power device is the gate driver. Gate drive design is always a concern for electronics designers adopting new devices and it is important to understand how to drive SiC and GaN power devices. Requirements are: ...
近年来,主动栅极驱动(Active Gate Driver, AGD)技术因其较高的灵活性,得到了快速发展[29-32]。根据调控变量的不同[26],AGD可以分为变电压、变电流、变电阻等不同类型。变电压AGD在器件开关过程中输出多个驱动电平,调节开关轨迹,能有效降低开关损耗[33-34]。输出电平数越多,控制自由度越高,效果越好;但是,驱动...
and KIT_1EDB_AUX_SiC demo boards. These small demo kits have a configurable isolated bias supply that allows to generate different positive and negative voltage levels with 1% voltage regulation and power levels up to 1.5 W. Speed up your design cycle and reduce time to market with these sim...
R E V B S i C M O S F E T I s o l a t e d G a t e D r i v e r This article describes an implementation of an isolated gate driver suitable for testing and evaluating SiC MOSFETs in a variety of applications. This design replaces previous versions of this application note...
This training will introduce you to the gate oxide reliability of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs and how Infineon's design enables the effective screening of defects by opting for a trench MOSFET. Additionally, you will understand how this decision has allowed Infineon to achieve high reliabilit...