The SIC Code lookup tool is valuable for nearly any company looking to increase revenue and profit. SIC Codes break down all of the various industries in existence into an organized classification system. When used correctly, companies can focus their marketing efforts on the industries that generat...
Industry code lookup tools come out as a magnificent help to marketers. These tools help in segmenting, comparing, and analyzing the economic activities of different industries and their subdivisions effectively. These SIC and NAICS codes are majorly used to classify and analyze the market to ...
Lookup any SIC 6-Digit Code. Find Detailed and Helpful Information About SIC 6-Digit Codes. Access Related Code Systems.
Following is the SIC Code lookup (looking for General Liability Class Codes, NAICS Codes or NCCI Workers Comp Class Codes?). The structure of SIC is hierarchical. The first 2 digits used give the the major group. All groups are separated into 12 higher level divisions. The third digit tells...
An open source micro-service focused that provides company data from EDGAR plus Wikipedia, and SIC lookup. sqlite-databasesicsecedgarstarlettepublic-companiesmediumroast UpdatedAug 22, 2024 Python chehab1/Modi-SIC Star9 A Modified Simple Instruction Computer ...
A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close SIC Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Category filter: AcronymDefinition SIC Stan...
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the primary business of the establishment. The classification was developed to facilitate the collection, presentation, and analysis of data; and to promot...
Company Lookup Tool Search our Database of over 19 million US Business Listings. Purchase one or Multiple Listings. Data Elements Include: Corporate and Tradestyle Name, Annual Sales, Number of Employees, Street Address, Phone Number, Top Contact, NAICS and SIC Codes, Lat Long and More. ...
Explore the NAICS Association for comprehensive information on NAICS and SIC codes, industry analysis, and more.
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