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Find Your Industry SEARCH SIC Codes 01-09 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 01 - Agricultural Production Crops 02 - Agricultural Production Livestock 07 - Agricultural Services 08 - Forestry 09 - Fishing, Hunting and Trapping 10-14 Mining 10 - Metal mining 12 - Coal mining 13 - ...
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Discover and search SIC codes by industry to categorize and classify your business operations effectively.
SIC Code 3812: Manufacturing search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems and instruments. Important products of this
SEC: EDGAR Company Search EPA: Toxics Release Inventory Search UK Government: SIC Codes Resources Occupational Safety and Health Administration: SIC Look-Up Securities and Exchange Commission: Division of Corporation Finance: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List NAICS Association: Free NAICS...
The business search engine and business directory designed to help its users find the companies, products, services, and information they need to make the right business decisions.
SIC Code 5111: The wholesale distribution of printing and writing paper, including envelope paper; fine paper; and groundwood paper
How to find a business’s NAICS or SIC code Businesses can find their NAICS or SIC codes by using tools provided on government websites, such as the US Census Bureau’s NAICS search tool. These tools allow businesses to search by keyword or to drill down through various categories to find...
Here on our website, you can obtain information on our services. For U.S. Lists, please take advantage of ourSIC Code Lookup toolwhich will enable you to identify the SIC Codes for the types of businesses you wish to target. Once you have located the correct SIC Codes, or if you have...