Search or browse SIC Code and NAICS Code lists. Download marketing lists and targeted leads from over 15 million companies and 40 million executives.
Find Your Industry SEARCH SIC Codes 01-09 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 01 - Agricultural Production Crops 02 - Agricultural Production Livestock 07 - Agricultural Services 08 - Forestry 09 - Fishing, Hunting and Trapping 10-14 Mining 10 - Metal mining 12 - Coal mining 13 - ...
SIC CODE 50-51 100% Phone-Verified, NCOA Processed, Accurate Data Description This division includes establishments or places of business primarily engaged in selling merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional, farm, construction contractors, or professional business users; or to...
52-59Retail Trade2,672,492 60-67Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate1,683,523 70-89Services8,556,457 90-99Public Administration255,475 Total US Business Entities17,769,706 * Current Number of US Businesses within that Primary SIC Code. ...
Company Name The name shown is that by which the business is known or under which it conducts its business. Company name if any, or else the individual name in first name, last name order with professional title where available. Contact Name The contact’s first, middle initial, last name...
The business search engine and business directory Free Biz Listing | Log In Business Directory . Business Information . Company Profile A comprehensive business directory that offers services, products, and information in all industries within the U.S....
SicMajorGroupCodeThe unique identifier of the SIC Major Group. First included in: SicMajorGroup (this entity)PropertiesExpand table NameValue displayName SIC Major Group Code description The unique identifier of the SIC Major Group. isPrimaryKey true dataFormat decimal...
A common and highly detailed business classification system can be found with the NAICS Code system. The NAICS Code system is used by the US Government for statistical classification, compilation, and analysis. To explore and search within the NAICS Code system, please use the link(s) below. ...
2. Filter Counties to narrow your search ... 3. Select the desired business types (SIC Codes) and desired X-date types ... Accuracy Our Xdates are accurate. It's Easy, fast and convenient; downloading right to your PC in Excel format. We provide you with Company Name, Address, Phone...
1 Last Update:Thursday, December 12, 2024 We are a Marketing Services Company specializing in Worldwide Business Databases, located 40 miles east of New York City, in Norwalk, Connecticut. We focus on Business & Consumer Mailing Lists, Fax Broadcast Lists & Website/Email Address Lists. We aim...