Industry code lookup tools come out as a magnificent help to marketers. These tools help in segmenting, comparing, and analyzing the economic activities of different industries and their subdivisions effectively. These SIC and NAICS codes are majorly used to classify and analyze the market to ...
If your operations include more than one type of business, you may need more than one SIC Code.SIC Code lookup by industry. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system was created by the government to categorize businesses by industry and uses four-digit numerical codes to classify them...
Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC Codes) identify the primary line of business of a company. It is the most widely used system by the US Government, public, and private organizations North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Codes) is the alternative code structure, updated eve...
How do I look up a Company's SIC Code? To identify the SIC Code being used for a specific company, visit theUS Company Lookup Toolby To identify the proper code for your company, use theSEARCH TOOLSto identify the code that best reflects your primary business activity (revenue...
Lookup any SIC 6-Digit Code. Find Detailed and Helpful Information About SIC 6-Digit Codes. Access Related Code Systems.
This number indicates a company's primary line of business. What determines a company's primary SIC code is the code definition that generates the highest revenue for that company at a specific location in the past year. Helpful SIC Code Tools SIC Code Directory & Lookup - Look up and ...
If it is of interest we will also enhance your data with company size information (where available) and a region flag so you can analyse your data by SIC code, company size and region. There is no additional cost: you pay for the SIC coding and you receive the extra data elements for...
An open source micro-service focused that provides company data from EDGAR plus Wikipedia, and SIC lookup. sqlite-databasesicsecedgarstarlettepublic-companiesmediumroast UpdatedAug 22, 2024 Python A Modified Simple Instruction Computer assemblersicsic-assemblersicxemodified-sicmodi-sic ...
Define sic. sic synonyms, sic pronunciation, sic translation, English dictionary definition of sic. adv. Thus; so. Used to indicate that a quoted passage, especially one containing an error or unconventional spelling, has been retained in its original fo
U.S. government in 1937 to facilitate communication within and between businesses and industries. For the most part, the SIC was replaced by the six digitNAICSin 1997, but theSECstill uses the SIC. For example, an oil and gas exploration company might file with the SEC under the code ...