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How to Read a SIC Code The first two digits of the code identify the major industry group, the third digit identifies the industry group and the fourth digit identifies the industry. Please see example below: Categories General Specific
例如:2024代表冰淇淋和冰冻零食,202代表日用品(Industry Group),20代表食品及相关产品(Major Group),而这个20又属于制造业的一个分支(Division of Manufacturing) SIC code 2024 (ice cream and frozen desserts) belongs to industry group 202 (dairy products), which is part of major group 20 (food and kin...
To find an appropriate code for your company, you can use online tools to enter keywords that describe your operations. The search tool will return SIC or NAICS codes that match your keyword selection. Reading the full description of the codes thus returned facilitates the selection of the code...
SIC Code Directory & Lookup- Quickly find and identify ISIC codes by keyword or code number. ISIC-to-NAICS Cross Reference- Convert ISIC codes to NAICS equivalents. NAICS-to-ISIC Cross Reference- Convert NAICS codes to ISIC codes. How to Read an ISIC Code ...
How do I find the SIC code for my company? We can help First implemented in 1937, SIC codes are used to classify businesses according to the primary industry they belong to. Although they’ve since been replaced, SIC codes are still widely used in the United States and abroad. But what...
Find assistance and guidance on using SIC codes for accurate business classification and industry identification.
How to find a business’s NAICS or SIC code Businesses can find their NAICS or SIC codes by using tools provided on government websites, such as the US Census Bureau’s NAICS search tool. These tools allow businesses to search by keyword or to drill down through various categories to find...
One-to-one assistance with customers’ strategic market targeting. Contact the Data Department How We Have Helped Businesses The SICCODE Business Database was launched in New Jersey in 1998 and organized businesses from around the world in a directory clearly defined by the United States Government...
The SIC code system remains the most widely used industry classification system. The NAICS code system has been unable to fully replace it due to the SIC system's long history, and the reluctance of businesses and other organizations that have been long-term users of SIC codes to switch over...