The late 1990s saw an expansion of the convenience store/gasoline station in the form of multifranchising. Known as "co-branding," it involved the pairing of two or more franchises under one roof, a move that benefited the franchisee as well as the customer. Fast food outlets, such as Bu...
that convenience outlets in the United States totaled 95,700 in 1997, up 1.6 percent from 1996. According to the association, "the strong shift towards urban store development continued in 1997. More than three out of every four new stores built is located in an area with a population of 5...
EU. The EU has made amess of its COVID vaccine policy. An EU official is sent to Moscow tobeg for the Sputnik vaccine.But he can't resist giving the usual moralistic lecture. (As an aside, I am sick and tired of EU flunkeys posturing about "European values";if it weren't for th...