Every company has a primary SIC code that indicates its main line of business. The first two digits of the SIC code identify the major industry group, the third digit identifies the industry group, and the fourth digit identifies the specific industry. TheSecurities and Exchange Commission(SEC) ...
So, what is a SIC code, and how can you use it to benefit your business? What is a SIC code for a business? The government created the Standard Industrial Classification codes (SIC codes) to identify U.S. businesses. The classification system uses four-digit coded numbers that categorize ...
below). You must enter either an SIC code or a keyword. If you are searching for an SIC code, you must either enter a keyword which describes the type of business activity, such as "Miscellaneous Retail Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified," since the SIC describes business activities rather tha...
SIC and NAICS codes are generally self-assigned. That is, the companies and facilities responding to government requests for information (such as an industrial census or a financial report) are asked to provide the code that the company itself decides best reflects its own business. In other wor...
With the introduction of NAICS Codes, SICCODE.com was at the forefront of mapping the two business classification code systems. SICCODE.com is unique in allowing companies to be registered and classified by their SIC and NAICS codes - a major tool for business recognition. ...
With the introduction of NAICS Codes, SICCODE.com was at the forefront of mapping the two business classification code systems. SICCODE.com is unique in allowing companies to be registered and classified by their SIC and NAICS codes - a major tool for business recognition. ...
Common types of examples within SIC Code 50-51 - Wholesale Trade are: Industry Image Example photo for industry SIC 50-51 - Wholesale Trade. This image represents an activity or product found in this industry. Since 1998 SICCODE.com Business Data ...
The primary SIC code for a company defines the company's core industry. A business's main line of work can overlap and fall into many different industries. The primary code classifies the company's most relevant industry and function.
Search or browse SIC Code and NAICS Code lists. Download marketing lists and targeted leads from over 15 million companies and 40 million executives.
real estate; personal, business, professional, repair, recreation and other services; and public administration.Reading a SIC Code The first two digits of the code identify the major industry group,the third digit identifies the industry group and the fourth digit identifies the industry.For example...