SIC CODE 081 100% Phone-Verified, NCOA Processed, Accurate Data Description For detailed description of SIC 081, see Subcategories in the Hierarchy Navigation on this page. Parent Category - 2-digit Level (less specific) 08-Forestry Subcategories - 4-digit Level (more specific) ...
SIC Code 141: For detailed description of SIC 141, see Subcategories in the Hierarchy Navigation on this page
SIC codes consist of four digits. The first two numbers of the code classify the major industry group, the third number further defines the industry group and the last digit is the company's main industry. Uses of Codes SIC classification primarily assists with data collection, presentation and...
SIC Code是标准产业分类代码的简称,英文全名为Standard Industrial Classification,由由4位数字组成。由美国政府为了对商业机构确定其主营业务而建立。方便收集,描述和分析数据; 并为了加强统一性和可比性,由联邦政府的各个机构包括 国家机构和私人组织 提供统计数据。 分类涵盖所有经济行为:农业,林业,...
SIC 12 Details PageList All SIC Top Categories Subcategories are listed in order from general (3-Digit) to more specific (4-Digit) industry. Each category link leads to the corresponding Code Details page. Categories General Specific 3-Digits ...
Structure of SIC Code 42 - Motor Freight Transportation and WarehousingHierarchy Industry: Transportation & Public Utilities SIC 42 Details Page List All SIC Top Categories Categories: Each industry is classified within a hierarchy, starting from the general (3-digit) to more specific (4-digit) ...
code* , 3digits 1digit *Room temp.=R *High temp.=H Fig.5-3.特性数据的符号示例 11 MT5F36768 5.3 开关动作时的电流不平衡 应用手册 – 混合型 SiC 模块 - 5.3.1 主电路布线电感分布 不均匀的主电路布线电感会导致并联器件的不平衡电流分 配. IC 1 IC 2 图 5-4 为考虑主电路布线电感的并联...
The first two digits in NAICS provide the sector for the business, although there are three specific cases where more than one 2-digit code specifies sector: Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Transportation and Warehousing, each comprise a code range. ...
Apple Inc.'s SEC filings show its SIC code as 3571 (electronic computers). The first two digits—35—identify its major industry group as "Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment," while the third digit—7—narrows its industry group down to "Computer and Office Equipment" a...