SIC Code 354 - Metalworking Machinery and EquipmentGovernment Level - SIC 3-Digit Description Hierarchy Companies Related Code Systems Total Companies 4,145 Est. Employment 145,360 Use Data For: Direct Mailing Emailing Calling Research Includes Free Sample & Industry Report Buy Business List ...
SIC Code lookup and SIC code search by industry. Standard industry classification codes and marketing lists for 40 million businesses
Parent Category - 2-digit Level (less specific) 63-Insurance Carriers Subcategories - 4-digit Level (more specific) 6331-Fire, Marine, and Casualty Insurance Industry Executives Would you like to email executives in SIC Code 633 - Fire, Marine, and Casualty Insurance? Below are some of the ...
233x identifies women's and misses' furnishings.3 The Fourth Digit The last digit of a SIC code is the most specific identifier of a company. Factoring in this last digit, there are now more than 1,000 possible combinations. For example, SIC code 2050 (emphasis on the final digit) repre...
HierarchyIndustry: Public Administration SIC 93 Details PageList All SIC Top Categories Categories: Each industry is classified within a hierarchy, starting from the general (3-digit) to more specific (4-digit) industry codes. The hierarchy also includes Extended SIC Codes, which provide an even ...
Reading a SIC Code SIC codes consist of four digits. The first two numbers of the code classify the major industry group, the third number further defines the industry group and the last digit is the company's main industry. Uses of Codes ...
The first two digits in NAICS provide the sector for the business, although there are three specific cases where more than one 2-digit code specifies sector: Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Transportation and Warehousing, each comprise a code range. ...
The SIC is a system for classifying industries by a four to eight digit code. Established in the United States in 1937, it is still used by government agencies to classify industry areas. The SIC system is also used by registries in other countries, e.g. by the United Kingdom’s Compani...
SIC Code是标准产业分类代码的简称,英文全名为Standard Industrial Classification,由由4位数字组成。由美国政府为了对商业机构确定其主营业务而建立。方便收集,描述和分析数据; 并为了加强统一性和可比性,由联邦政府的各个机构包括 国家机构和私人组织 提供统计数据。 分类涵盖所有经济行为:农业,林业,...