Search or browse SIC Code and NAICS Code lists. Download marketing lists and targeted leads from over 15 million companies and 40 million executives.
Expect the Unexpected. Our Customer Service is Second to None. Call973-625-5626OrClick Here to Request a Price Quote Now Utilizing the Most Comprehensive, Updated Business Information Available, we can provide NAICS and SIC Lists to meet any need. Continued Value:Purchase Lists on an ongoing ba...
These SIC and NAICS codes are majorly used to classify and analyze the market to assess the growth and enhance the effectiveness of the business operations. With our SIC and NAICS code list, your business can reach networks that you were missing out till now. The connections will get enriched...
Introduction to SIC and NAICS Codes In the realm of industry classification, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes serve as essential tools for categorizing businesses. Established in 1937, the SIC system laid the groundwork for ...
FILE| NAICS to SIC Crosswalk in Excel Format with Short Title Descriptions listed Numerically If you have a list of NAICS Codes you can determine the corresponding SIC Code and Vice Versa. $0.00 Categories:Electronic Reference Files,NAICS Code Products,SIC Code Products ...
Get a list of all SIC codes and NAICS code and learn how industry analysis can help improve your sales prospecting, lead generation, and risk analysis.
NAICS codes are 6-digits long and supply all the necessary information you need to define a business’s industry. By breaking down each part of the code, you can better understand your target markets. The first two digits in NAICS provide the sector for the business, although there are thre...
After completing a search using the SIC to NAICS Code Conversion Tool, the resulting page will display SIC Codes on the left column in blue coloring and the mapped NAICS Codes will be in the right column. Use your mouse to navigate the SIC to NAICS Conversion Table and click on any NAICS...
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are business classification codes that the U.S. government assigns to businesses. SIC coding is used primarily to classify a company's main industry and line of business.
也就是说,SIC code和其它分类code一样,在层级的结构下构建起整个Table,以下是相关的Table链接:SIC Code List | Class Codes 这个链接则有对应的类别介绍:Search SIC Codes by Industry | NAICS Association 现在还有一个问题,如果我知道了某个产业的SIC code,我该怎样去找对应的企业呢?