Kazakhstan, Iran, and China. It is usually referred to as UNEP/GEF Siberian Crane Wetland Project because it was coordinated through the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) and was funded by the GEF (Global Environment Facility
The IUCN lists the Siberian crane as critically endangered. Indeed, it is on the brink of extinction. Its current population is estimated at 3,200 to 4,000. The largest threat to the Siberian crane is habitat loss, especially due to water diversions and conversion of wetlands to other uses ...
Data decient (DD) - species available information about which is not sufcient for a proper assessment of conservation status to be made. 1." THREATENED " This category is subdivided into 5 criteria: 1.1.All species included on the IUCN Red List; 1.2.Decreased in number by 50% over the ...