根据下列提示,写一篇有关西伯利亚鹤(The Siberian crane)的短文。 内容包括:1.别名:雪鹤。2.外貌:高约140厘米,通常比丹顶鹤矮;羽毛几乎都是雪白的,除了一些只有在飞行时才能看到的黑色羽毛;没有羽毛的脸是红色的。3.生活环境:海拔1 500-3 000米的森林。4.生活习性:在东亚,它的数量被称为东方种群,在冬天迁徙...
Jiang F, Qi S, Liao F, Ding M, Wang Y (2014) Vulnerability of Siberian crane habitat to water level in Poyang Lake wet- land, China. GISci Remote Sens 51(6):662-676. doi:10. 1080/15481603.2014.978126Jiang F, Qi SH, Liao FQ, Ding MJ, Wang YQ (2014) Vulnerability of Siberian ...
Areas within and near the Momoge National Nature Reserve on the West Songnen Plain were vital resting sites for the Siberian Crane. The spatial distribution of habitat suitability evidently varied, and 20% areas of the reserve, which demonstrated a high degree of habitat suitability, were ...
Bujagh&Sefi d Rud Delta:the efforts here included an increase in legal protection and introduction of other measures to improve habitat management and illegal incursions. FereydoonKenar, Ezbaran&SorkheRudDamgahs:this is the only wetland known to the western crane population. Shooting is the main...
C Every winter, Siberian cranes(白鹤) move from northeast Siberi a in Russi a to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province, China. The warm environment makes it a key habitat(栖息地) for the Siberian crane and other rare birds. About 310 species of birds spend winter here. However, climate change ...
Habitat and Range Siberian cranes nest in wetlands of the lowlandtundra and taiga. They are the most aquatic of the crane species, preferring open expanses of shallow, freshwater with clear visibility in all directions. There are two remaining populations of the Siberian crane. The larger eastern...
The Siberian crane, also known as white crane or snow crane, is one of the most threatened of the 15 cranes species remaining on Earth, with an estimated global population of 3,200 as of 2010 and a low reproductive rate. Every year they fly to breed in the Arctic and spend the winter...
To understand how well the cranes adapted to such unusual habitat, field surveys to assess the distribution of cranes across different habitats, and food availability in each habitat were carried out in the winter of 2011. Field observations on crane behaviors at different habitats were also ...
Hydrological modelling for siberian crane Grus Leucogeranus stopover sites in northeast China.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122687Habitat loss is one of the key factors underlying the decline of many waterbird species, including Siberian Crane (Grus leucogeranus), a threatened species worldwide. Wetlands ...