Siargao is known as the surfing capital of the Philippines, with 15 spots that are dreamy for catching a wave. There are plenty of surfing schools and places to rent boards so newbies can join in, too, and the crystal clear water also provides the perfect place to try paddle boarding or...
Siargao Surfing Cup : WSF Qualifying Series QS5000... In News Discussion and Update / Events 5 months 2 weeks ago Digital Blueprint Services In Buy / Sell / Trade and Classifieds / Speciality Services 6 months 2 weeks ago Banahaw igem Plant in Philippines In Life & Leisure / Home and Gar...
遗憾的是,受到疫情的影响,小伙伴们还不能前往锡亚高岛旅游。这里给大家分享一位YouTube博主siargaobleu发布的视频。通过这个视频感受这个冲浪胜地的独特魅力,感受一下“云冲浪”。Siargao Island Philippines More than just Surfing!最后,愿菲律宾早日走出疫情,这样小伙伴们就能亲身前往Siargao,感受乘风破浪的魅力~想要...
经济的有 菲律宾 国菜Bulalo 牛骨汤 米饭免费,任添 记得点Spicy版本 比较好吃本来一直没有吃米饭结果教练不停教导No rice no powerNo surfing no shower 不过我们自己做的早餐也是相当有营养的 如果会做饭,luna城海边有个小的市场,强烈推荐因为小岛靠外就是深海海沟,市场的鱼市 天天都有一尺大的 tuna我们自己买的...
Siargao岛度假攻略🌴 🌴 远离尘嚣,享受自然之美!Siargao Island的Surfing Temple度假村是您放松身心、远离喧嚣的理想之地。🌊 🏨 度假村设施齐全,包括餐厅、免费停车场、户外泳池和酒吧。四星级的住宿标准,每间客房都享有泳池美景,让您在阳台上就能欣赏到花园景观。🌺 🌳 度假村被郁郁葱葱的椰林环绕,自然风光...
Siargao-surfing 锡亚高岛冲浪圣地来锡雅高就是为了冲浪冲浪!或者说最主要的原因。锡雅高是菲律宾最著名的冲浪圣地,每年9月份第二周开始,一直到10月份,siargao变得特别繁忙!因为国际
On the Philippine island of Siargao, surfing isn’t just an attraction. As Stephanie Zubiri finds out, it’s also a way of life.
This stunning island is even home to Cloud 9, which is arguably considered one of the top ten waves in the entire world. With its large, picture-perfect swells, Cloud 9 has put Siargao on the map as one of the most desirable surfing destinations. ...
“It’s inspiring to see some of the work being done to help the island evolve from not just a surfing paradise but also a model for a sustainable, inclusive community, and we look forward to seeing more people join this mission.”
“It’s inspiring to see some of the work being done to help the island evolve from not just a surfing paradise but also a model for a sustainable, inclusive community, and we look forward to seeing more people join this mission.”