SIQ3-10A (迷你型)自动电源转换开关 温湿度控制器广泛用于需要对温度和凝露进行综合控制的场合。主要用于电力系统中的端子箱、断路器机构箱、箱式变电站、各种开关柜、中置柜等设备。该系列产品精密度高、性能稳定、体积小、安装方便、使用寿命长。 湘湖牌JDZW6-15 电压互感器实物图片 ...
(2) the separation action of the Si films on the Sb80Te20 films improves the thermal stability of the phase change film, and the temperature area where the phase change film is crystallized is very narrow, which shows that the phase change speed is very high; and (3) the crystalline ...