Türkiye Faunas in Yeni Bir Su Kenesi (Acari: Hydrachnidia) Cinsi ve Türü: Teutonia (s. str.) cometes (Koch, 1837). (Turkish).It has been given the morphological characters and measurements and drawings of various organs of the male and female of Teutonia (s.str.) cometes (Koch, ...
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邓:妈妈 只有那草帽 (庄:只有那草帽) 是我珍爱的(庄:嗯) 无价之宝 邓:就像是(庄:就像是) 你给我的生命 失去了 找不到 合:忽然间狂风呼啸 夺去了我的草帽 呜耶 庄:高高地 卷走了草帽啊 合:飘向那天外云霄 合:妈妈只有那草帽 是我珍爱的无价之宝 就像是你给我的生命 失去了 找不到 失去了 找不...
These are belonging to the families Sperchontidae (11), Lebertidae (4), Torrenticolidae (10), Hygrobatidae (13), Aturidae (4), Feltridae (4), Arrenuridae (2), Protzidae (3), Limnesidae (1), Anisitsiellidae (4), Thyasidae (3) Hydrovolziidae (1), Limnocharidae (1)...