The Naruto franchise is back with a brand new experience in NARUTO TO BORUTO SHINOBI STRIKER This new game lets gamers battle as a team of 4 to compete against other teams online Graphically, SHINOBI STRIKER is also built from the ground up in a complete
7,49 €14,99 €Save 50%Offer ends 5/3/2025 11:59 PM UTC Online play optional 1 player Remote Play supported PS4 Version DUALSHOCK 4 vibration Violence Ratings NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER Season Pass 5 Global player ratings 3.71Average rating 3.71 stars out of 5 stars from 306 ratin...
naruto next generations 3.5 (79.9k) e9 - prova de si mesmo legendado lançado em 31 mai 2017 enquanto seu pai e seu avô observam, boruto luta com sua tia hanabi, para ver se seu byakugan vai despertar... boruto vê mais uma sombra estranha pela cidade... Áudio japanese legend...
Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections key features The largest roster ever Build a team of three from over 130 fighters. Become the ultimate ninja and vanquish your enemies using unique combos and the ancient art of Combination Secret Techniques. ...