SI基本单位又称国际单位制,后者的英语是International System of Units(单位的国际体系)。International System of Units应该缩写为ISU吧?怎么会SI呢?如果你去查www.thefreedictionary的缩写(acronyms)词典, 对SI确实有一条释义是 International System of Units (metric system; more commonly seen as ISU)。但是同...
Noun1.SI unit- a complete metric system of units of measurement for scientists; fundamental quantities are length (meter) and mass (kilogram) and time (second) and electric current (ampere) and temperature (kelvin) and amount of matter (mole) and luminous intensity (candela); "Today the Unit...
SI unit 美[ˌes ˈaɪ ˌjunɪt] 英[ˌes ˈaɪ ˌjuːnɪt] un.国际制单位;SI单位 网络公制单位;国际单位;国际单位制单位 复数:SI units 英英 网络释义 n. 1. SystèmeInternationalunit:astandardscientificunitofmeasurementinaninternationalsystem.Themainunitsarethemeter,kilogram,second...
Name Expression in terms of other units Expression in terms of SI base units Hz1/s s−1 rad m/m dimensionless sr m2/m2dimensionless N, kg·m/s2kg·m·s−2 Pa, N/m2kg·m−1·s−2 J, , N·m = C·V = W·s kg·m2·s−2 W, J/s = V·A kg·m2·s−3 C or...
What are the fundamental units of mass, length, and temperature in the metric system? Convert the quantities into SI units N, m, and s. 637.24 in^3 Convert the quantities into SI units N, m, and s. 39.3 lbf/ft^3 Convert the quantities into SI units N, m, and s. 4.55 ft/s^2...
SI BASE UNITS QuantityNameSymbol Lengthmeterm Masskilogramkg Timeseconds Electric currentampereA TemperaturekelvinK Luminous intensitycandelacd Amount of a substancemolemol SOME SI DERIVED UNITS SOME SI DERIVED UNITS SOME SI DERIVED UNITS QuantityName of Derived UnitSymbol ...
International system of unitsThermodynamic temperatureElectric currentLuminous intensitySurface densityKeywords: International system of units; Thermodynamic temperature; Electric current; Luminous intensity; Surface densitydoi:10.1002/9781119403647.ch304James G. Speight...
英[ˌes ˈaɪ ˌjuːnɪt] un.国际制单位;SI单位 网络单位制 复数:SI units 英英 网络释义 n. 1. SystèmeInternationalunit:astandardscientificunitofmeasurementinaninternationalsystem.Themainunitsarethemeter,kilogram,second,ampere,kelvin,andmole....
TABLE D.1 SI UnitsSI Base UnitBase Quantity Name SymbolLength Meter mMass Kilogram kgTime Second sElectric current Ampere ATemperature Kelvin KAmount of substance Mole molLuminous intensity Candela cdTABLE D.2 Some Derived SI UnitsExpression in Expression inTerms of Base Terms of OtherQuantity Name...
What is the SI unit for temperature? What are units of frequency? What is the SI unit for speed? What SI units are used to measure volume? What does SI units mean? What is the SI unit of food energy? What is the kilometer an SI unit of?