Hello, long long time lurker, (almost) first time poster. I wish my first long post (and thread) was a positive post, but I adore the SI Swimsuit Issue, there's so much about it that's great. But It just seems like recently the issue has been trying to be more like a high fash...
So i don't know if anyone has take any time to go through the manuals. but i did some *Very* Brief looking through the 700 page engine manual, and noticed...
丝芯实验室 Si70xx 温度与湿度传感器说明书 Si70xx&Relative&Humidity&&&Temperature&Sensors On&Board&Training D A N I E L'H O N N I B A L L'|'M A R C H'2018
We unified the interfaces of instruction-tuning data (e.g., CoT data), multiple LLMs and parameter-efficient methods (e.g., lora, p-tuning) together for easy use. We welcome open-source enthusiasts to initiate any meaningful PR on this repo and integrate
I guess my issue is the price of this car considering they basically did nothing to it except paint is yellow. The other stuff any shade tree guy can to to their type r in 30 mins . wheels .. so what most people change their wheels anyway to something lighter. sound damping.....
For Bud it’s less of an issue because she’s already lived tens of millenia. There’s less empathy there. I think Shelly’s in for some rough times as she tries to readjust. Sheik June 7, 2011, 1:09 pm Some have labeled this “Mission Letdown” and it is a problem. People ...
Tema Çerçevelerini Kullanmanın Artıları ve Eksileri Nelerdir? Sitenizde bir WordPress tema çerçevesi kullanmanın birkaç avantajı ve dezavantajı vardır. Her ikisine de bir göz atalım. Avantajlar (Artılar) ...
6xxx series Al alloy sheets go through paint baking during the final manufacturing process, and the range of temperatures is similar to that in which precipitate formation sufficiently occurs [6,7,8]. Therefore, increasing the bake-hardening response (BHR) (that is, the increase in yield ...
Since this alloy is intended to be heat-treated for paint-baking after forming, lower yield is required before artificial aging for easy processing. Therefore, there is an issue with ease of processing alloys cold-rolled more than 10% in industrial production. The yield stress is also expected...
涂抹:https://t.me/paint_film 跑路快讯:https://t.me/runrunkuaixun TechCrunch 中文版:https://t.me/techcrunchcn 鳥的日用美學:https://t.me/Feuilletons 乙烷日报:https://t.me/OverDaily 碎琼乱玉 背风而行:https://t.me/ruanyuww LetITFly News:https://t.me/LetITFlyW 猪圈净化快讯:http...