shyster 英['ʃaɪstə]美 n.讼棍;奸诈之徒(尤指政客);不择手段的律师 中文词源 shyster奸诈的律师 俚语,可能来自 shit,屎,-ster,人,含贬义。 英文词源 shyster shyster:[19]Shyster‘unscrupulous lawyer’ originated in the USA in the 1840s. It is generally supposed to come from the name...
shyster 英[ˈʃaɪstə(r)] 美[ˈʃaɪstɚ] 释义 n. 不择手段的律师 词态变化 复数:shysters; 英英释义 Noun 1. a person (especially a lawyer or politician) who uses unscrupulous or unethical methods 词根词缀 后缀:-ster
8.Hiring a couple ofshysterlawyers to dredge up these horrid memories of my poor granddaughter. 雇来两个不择手段的律师 重新挖出关于我可怜孙女的可怕回忆 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词shyster的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
shyster是什么意思、shyster怎么读 读音:美[´ʃaɪstə(r)]英[´ʃaɪstɚ] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 shyster中文翻译 n.不择手段的律师 shyster是什么意思 网络讼棍; 手段卑鄙的人; 不择手段的律师 shyster词态变化 复数:shysters ...
英[ˈʃaɪstə(r)] n.不择手段的人;卑鄙小人;(尤指)奸诈的律师 网络讼棍;手段卑鄙的人;不择手段的律师 复数:shysters 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 shyster n. 1. 不择手段的人;卑鄙小人;(尤指)奸诈的律师a dishonest person, especially a lawyer ...
“shyster”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 名词n. 1. 【美】【口】不择手段的律师,讼棍 It is almost impossible to find a lawyer that isn't a shyster. 要找一位诚实的律师几乎是不可能的。
shyster 奸诈的律师 俚语,可能来自 shit,屎,-ster,人,含贬义。 英文词源 shyster shyster:[19]Shyster‘unscrupulous lawyer’ originated in the USA in the 1840s. It is generally supposed to come from the name of one Scheuster, a New York lawyer of that era who was constantly being rebuked ...
shyster 讼棍 shyster ['ʃaɪstə]n.讼棍;奸诈之徒。纽约曾有一份专注于监狱和法庭新闻的周刊,其主要撰稿人叫Mike。Mike的文章攻击过很多无资质且不自律的假冒律师。有次一个叫Cornelius的冒牌律师找到Mike,要求Mike再写文章时,将其它诉棍们称为shyster以与自己区分。词源角度,shyster实际与shit(屎)有关...