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(redirected fromshylocked) Thesaurus Encyclopedia shy·lock (shī′lŏk′)Offensive n. A ruthless moneylender; a loan shark. intr.v.shy·locked,shy·lock·ing,shy·locks To lend money at exorbitant interest rates. [AfterShylock,the ruthless Jewish usurer in William Shakespeare'sThe Merchant of...
Shylock (in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice) shylocked shylocking shylocks shyly Shyly shyly害羞地 Shymbulak Shymkent Shymkent International Airport shyne MIZAN Shakespeare's next comedy, the equally romantic Merchant of Venice, contains a portrayal of the vengeful Jewish moneylenderShylock, which reflec...
Mr. Jones of the Manor Farm had locked the hen­houses for the night but was too drunk to remember to shut the door.With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side he drew himself a last glass of beer and made his
Scott Freebass、Preshy - Locked On You (feat. Preshy) 专辑: Locked On You (feat. Preshy) 歌手:Scott FreebassPreshy 还没有歌词哦Scott Freebass、Preshy - Locked On You (feat. Preshy) / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Locked On You Scott Freebass、Preshy 02:56...
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作词:Shy-Ann Whitten Your time I know I have what it takes I just didn't know how I put my pen on a paper And I figured it out I feel it in my bones Winning is for me I'm gonna Do what it takes Reach my dreams by any means I was struggling in life The old me now dead...
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