Shutup Experimental Settings! 1.0.3 MCV: 1.16.5 ByCorgi_Taco ReleaseR Feb 1, 2021 4.04 KB 21.1M 1.16.5 Forge File Name shutupexperimentalsettings-1.0.3.jar Supported Versions 1.16.5 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation...
Shutup Experimental Settings! Mod 1.18/1.16.5 is a forge part of a mod called Disable Custom Worlds Advice. It stops Experimental Features advice from appearing.
Shutup Experimental Settings! This simple mod is a forge port of the fabric mod "Disable Custom Worlds Advice" which disables the annoying "Experimental Features" advice that appears every time you create or load a world with custom dimensions or world settings. You can use it if either this ...
This simple mod is a forge port of the fabric mod "Disable Custom Worlds Advice" which disables the annoying "Experimental Features" advice that appears every time you create or load a world with custom dimensions or world settings. You can use it if either this screen annoys you as much ...