领先的视觉内容创建商和市场平台 Getty Images 对其 Generative AI by Getty Images 服务进行了升级,不但将图像创建速度提升一倍,还提高了输出质量、加入了高级控制功能并支持微调。 上述服务均由 NVIDIA 视觉 AI 代工服务使用多模态生成式 AI 架构NVIDIA Edify构建而成。然后,这些 AI 模型通过NVIDIA NIM(一套 AI 推...
Craig:是的,我们推出了 AI 图像生成工具——Generative AI by Getty Images。该产品还结合了英伟达(N...
Also, stock images have become a thing of the past for the most part and AI is probably the next big thing. For graphic assets, other competitors score better... What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you? It definitely saves a lot of time being able to find ...
The Shutterstock Image Generator leverages advanced AI to create high-quality, custom images in seconds. Simply describe what you need, and our innovative to...
今日凌晨,据彭博社援引的知情人士称,全球知名的图库Getty Images正在评估与竞争对手Shutterstock的合并可能性。消息公布后,Shutterstock 和 Getty Images股价双双上涨,其中Getty的股价一度上涨了32%,创下了2023年以来的最大涨幅,最终收涨13.27%。这一潜在的合并来自于图片行业面临的巨大挑战。AI的快速发展正在颠覆...
In September, Shutterstock appeared to beginremovingsome of the images from its catalog, while Getty Images responded by explicitly banning AI-generated art. What’s new?Shutterstock is now taking a different approach, announcing on October 25 that it had teamed up with OpenAI to integrate DALL-...
The platform also hosts an advanced AI tool for reverse image search.Visitors to the Shutterstock website can easily discover any piece of content they seek. The site immediately promotes advanced search engine fields, as well as a listing of individual content categories such as Images, Footage,...
1月7日,全球视觉内容巨头Getty Images和Shutterstock宣布签署合并协议,携手打造全球领先的视觉内容公司。双方将扩大内容库覆盖范围,加强在3D图像和生成式AI等新技术领域的投资,为内容创作者提供更广阔的市场机会。合并后的公司将继续以Getty Images Holdings,Inc.的名称在纽约证券交易所交易。业内人士指出,此次合并将...
站长之家(ChinaZ.com)7月7日 消息:国外知名商业图库网站Shutterstock宣布,将为企业客户提供对其平台上生成式人工智能(AI)图像的许可和使用全额赔偿保护,以防止因使用这些图像而引发的潜在索赔。该公司表示,将通过对图像进行人工审核来履行对赔偿要求的响应。
Shutterstock, a photo licensing provider, will begin selling photos generated by AI alongside those made by humans. OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 software will create the AI pictures. Both firms claim that human artists whose work inspired AI would be rewarded. ...