Shutter Island isn't just a pretty face, its also got a great story to boot and this is why I've been anticipating the film for so long. As mentioned earlier, I've been exposed and digested the source material myself before seeing the movie. I was worried the trailers for the film ...
“shutter island”观影评论 这篇影评可能有剧透 看完莱恩纳德的禁闭岛,不由得浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。再看了看导演:马丁斯科塞斯,曾观看过他执导的《华尔街之狼》,觉得莱恩纳德跟这位导演是真合拍。这次观影评论主要还是我喜欢的电影细节,还有个人独特的见解为主,现在网络时代各种各样的影评都有了,我就不想多抄袭别人了,...
Shutter Island: Movie ReviewBased on Dennis Lehane's book, 'Shutter Island' uses all the classic horror-film pyrotechnics and old-school frights to build a paranoid atmosphere.Peter Rainer Film critic
故事一: Marshal Teddy Daniels 的妻子和孩子因为一场由Andrew Laeddis引起的火灾而致死,他深爱着自己的妻子,深爱着自己的孩子。通过对Andrew Laeddis的调查,他了解到一个叫Ashecliff的精神病院,在shutter island上。随着调查的深入Teddy开始怀疑在这个岛上有不可告人的秘密。 Teddy 的直觉是对的,shutter island 是...
Shutter Island 并不喜欢这从一开始就不间断的稀里哗啦的雨声和有大片特色的模糊不清的背景音乐,不知道是心理悬疑剧,差点就当成了情节俗套的美国政治片,不过越进展才发现剧情设计的巧妙,即使在揭露了真相之后,意料之外情理之中时,导演还不罢休地再给个小小的回转,""to live as a monster...or to die as a ...
Did Teddy Kill His Wife In Shutter Island? ByHenry Ladd Apr 3, 2023 Was Teddy A US Marshal In Shutter Island? ByGina Wurtz Apr 1, 2023 What Shutter Island Was Really About ByGina Wurtz Mar 31, 2023 The 100-Year-Old Movie That Inspired A LOT Of Your Favorite Directors ...
The Marshals soon find a much deeper plot on Shutter Island. As he digs into the complications, Teddy also confronts the real reason he requested the assignment. If you look at Scorsese’s filmography, only one movie seems similar to Shutter in terms of genre: 1991’s Cape Fear, another...
Shutter Island 2010, Martin Scorsese Guides & Reviews JustWatch Streaming Guide Internet Movie Database Wikipedia Search Movie Review Query Engine : Roger Ebert The Apu Trilogy (The Criterion Collection) [Pather Panchali/Aparajito/Apur Sansar] [4K UHD]...
Shutter Island 刚开始看觉得异常无聊滴电影~~但是越到后面越精彩。。。最近莱昂纳多怎么总是演有着一个挥之不去滴已经死去滴妻子滴片子呢??不过比起《盗梦空间》我更喜欢这个。。。刚看完滴时候我还是晕滴~~简直分不清到底是我自己神经分裂了还是电影里面滴人神经分裂了。。。跟肥童鞋讨论了半天~~终于弄清了...