shute是什么意思 音标: 英 [ʃu:t] 美 [ʃut] n. 经线;纬纱;斜道 n. English writer who settled in Norway after World War II (1899-1960) 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词shute的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
Shute 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 Mr shute teaches us maths in a middle school this term . 在自己们中学,舒特是自己们这学期地数学教师。 Also referred to as shute or cross wires . 也称为舒特或交叉线。 I want to leave the company because I don 't ...
shute/ʃu:t//ʃut/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n. 经线;纬纱;斜道 Shute 舒 ( ) 近义、反义、联想词 词 n. writer,author 联想词 chute斜槽;hopper单足跳者;conveyor输送机,传送机;loader装货的人; 用户正在搜索 antisymmetry,antisynergism,antisyphilitic,anti-system,antitail,antitakeover,antitank...
美 英[ʃu:t] n.舒特 网络纬纱;斜纹;福建福州 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 舒特 例句 释义: 全部,舒特,纬纱,斜纹,福建福州 更多例句筛选
Mr 'Skipper'Shutebelonged to the last-named of the three classes. With the exception of a slight thickening of the lobe of one ear, MrShutebore no outward signs of his profession. The door had scarcely shut when MrShutebent forward. ...
NORTHFIELD, N.H.—Rick Santorum and Elsie Shute seem to be worried about the same elephant in the room this week. FromThe Daily Beast Elsie Shute said she might be able to overlook his anti-abortion stand if she were convinced he could beat Obama. ...
4. TheShutefamily lived in the southern part of the USA. 舒特一家人住在美国南部。 youdao 5. MrShutewas a farm worker, and he didn't have much money. 舒特先生是一个农民,他不是很富有。 youdao 6. I'm not MrsShute. You've rung wrong bell. MrsShute's house is over there. ...
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