yy 是一个次要原因代码(小于 65536 的正整数)关机的正确语言规范是 shutdown -s -t 18000
/f不是关机参数。shutdown -s -t 180000即可
首先,shutdown只是一个强制关机命令,对系统没有危害。然后,这个要看你在“计划任务”中如何设置 打开方式:开始——控制面板——计划任务 设置方式:这个东西。。。类似手机的闹钟,可以设置仅一次,也可以每天,每周 --- 我现在这个电脑不能截图,否则会详细一些的,呵呵,不好意思 ...
shutdown -s -t 3600 (一小时后) shutdown -s -t 7200 (二小时后) shutdown -s -t 10800 (三小时后) shutdown -s -t 14400 (四小时后) shutdown -s -t 18000 (五小时后) ...更多内容请看活动目录网络管理日志http://gnaw0725.blogbus.com/...
其运行机制是这样的:首先运行shutdown.exe程序,然后shutdown.exe程序调用系统功能,实现关机。其中,关机功能由Windows的系统登陆进程winlogon实现。比如,运行以下命令shutdown -s -t 18000后,你会看见一个黑色的窗口瞬间跳出又关闭,然后才弹出“系统关机”的窗口。打开任务管理器,在“应用程序”选项卡...
Five hours: shutdown -s -t 18000 Six hours: shutdown -s -t 21600 2. Schedule shutdown via Windows Terminal First, launch the search tool (you can press theWindowskey +Shotkey to do so). Input the keywordWindows Terminalwithin the text box to find that command-line app. ...
Haven't tried any workarounds yet. lorenzog commented Jun 1, 2016 A small update - running qvm-shutdown --all works intermittently - if I turn off the VPN first it works more reliably but it still hangs occasionally when trying to shutdown the 'VPN' VM, regarless of the VPN state...
This way, it can be tested with updated OSes if it's fixed. Can be build-time config as well. The other option: before doing wsacleanup curl could add some sleep (this is obviously isn't a proper fix, but might make internal pool to join threads before doing cleanup. Also, in ...