Assuming that the shutdown callbacks are called in the reverse order of registration, this is true. i was thinking that user would do something like, have the pointers for nodes, and reset those pointers in context shutdown pre-shutdown hook to clean everything up since the context is shu...
public void shutdown() { final ReentrantLock mainLock = this.mainLock; mainLock.lock(); try { // 检查shutdown权限 checkShutdownAccess(); // 设置线程池控制状态为SHUTDOWN advanceRunState(SHUTDOWN); // 中断空闲worker interruptIdleWorkers(); // 调用shutdown钩子函数 onShutdown(); // hook fo...
In order to detect when the server process is shutting down, and react to it, we can use a native mechanism in Java called ashutdown hook, which allows to spawn a custom thread that will run right before the JVM shuts down. This is a basic example of how to setup a shutdown hook:...
Gone is Trump’s demand to lift the debt ceiling, which GOP leaders told lawmakers would be debated as part of their tax and border packages in the new year. Republicans made a so-called handshake agreement to raise the debt limit at that time while also ...
curl -d '{}' -v 0:$PORT/hook/v1/shutdown sleep 10 # signal jibri to shutdown via rest api /opt/jitsi/jibri/ # shutdown everything else s6-svscanctl -t /var/run/s6/services 0 comments on commit 726b0f0 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(t); } 开发者ID:AsuraTeam,项目名称:asura,代码行数:32,代码来源 示例5: setUp ▲点赞 3▼ importorg.quartz.Scheduler;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@BeforepublicvoidsetUp()throwsException{ ...
“My phone was ringing off the hook,” said Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky. “The people who elected us are listening to Elon Musk.” The outcome comes as no surprise for Johnson, who, like other Republican House speakers before him, has been unable to persuade his majority to go along with ...
* * @throws SecurityException {@inheritDoc} */ public void shutdown() { final ReentrantLock mainLock = this.mainLock; mainLock.lock(); try { checkShutdownAccess(); advanceRunState(SHUTDOWN); interruptIdleWorkers(); onShutdown(); // hook for ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor } finally { mainLock...
Step 6:beginShutdownSequence() function called when user select OK option from the dialog. privatestaticvoidbeginShutdownSequence(Context context) {synchronized(sIsStartedGuard) {if(sIsStarted) { Log.d(TAG,"Shutdown sequence already running, returning.");return; ...
() hook 方法执行完成时 * * 当调用awaitTermination()后,会一直等待,直到线程池状态到达TERMINATED时返回 * * 检测从 SHUTDOWN 到 TIDYING 的转换并不像您想要的那么简单,因为在 SHUTDOWN 状态期间队列可能会在非空之后变为空, * 反之亦然,但是我们只能在看到它为空之后才能终止,我们看到 workerCount 是 0(...