17/05/05 06:03:53 INFO ApplicationMaster: Final app status: FAILED, exitCode: 16, (reason: Shutdown hook called before final status was reported.) I believe this may be due to the System.exit(0) statement at line 144 in hellbender.Main, though I am not sure. Here is a more compl...
Assuming that the shutdown callbacks are called in the reverse order of registration, this is true. i was thinking that user would do something like, have the pointers for nodes, and reset those pointers in context shutdown pre-shutdown hook to clean everything up since the context is shu...
使用基本的ShutdownHook,当我使用kill <PID>杀死进程时,以下代码可以工作,这意味着关闭行为被激活。 public static void main(String[] args) { ShutdownHook shutDown = new ShutdownHook(); shutDown.attachShutDownHook(); while(true){} } 但是,具有附加线程的相同代码不能 public static void main(String...
public void shutdown() { final ReentrantLock mainLock = this.mainLock; mainLock.lock(); try { checkShutdownAccess(); advanceRunState(SHUTDOWN); interruptIdleWorkers(); onShutdown(); // hook for ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor } finally { mainLock.unlock(); } tryTerminate(); } 1. 2. 3. 4...
However I found unless I called the executorService.shutdown(); the application never exit, so why the application cannot exit , we must shut down all thread pool threads manually before the application exit? and in service environment I think we don't need to call the executorService.shut...
In order to detect when the server process is shutting down, and react to it, we can use a native mechanism in Java called ashutdown hook, which allows to spawn a custom thread that will run right before the JVM shuts down. This is a basic example of how to setup a shutdown hook:...
Most programs gracefully shut down when receiving a SIGTERM, but if you are using third-party code or are managing a system you don’t have control over, the preStop hook is a great way to trigger a graceful shutdown without modifying the application. Kubernetes will send a SIGTERM signal ...
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(t); } 开发者ID:AsuraTeam,项目名称:asura,代码行数:32,代码来源:ShutdownHookPlugin.java 示例5: setUp ▲点赞 3▼ importorg.quartz.Scheduler;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@BeforepublicvoidsetUp()throwsException{ ...
* * @throws SecurityException {@inheritDoc} */ public void shutdown() { final ReentrantLock mainLock = this.mainLock; mainLock.lock(); try { checkShutdownAccess(); advanceRunState(SHUTDOWN); interruptIdleWorkers(); onShutdown(); // hook for ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor } finally { mainLock...
Bunney’s allegation about both the lack of hotel reservations and the overarching gambit he implied “baffled” the team, who confirmed they had just paid off the final payment plan for said hotel block that they are still on the hook for despite not running the event—all while showing the...