遇到无法使用shutdown命令的问题,首先要检查的是操作系统版本。如果是Windows 2000系统,正确的shutdown命令格式应该是:shutdown /s /t 1000,其中,“/s”代表关机,“/t 1000”表示1000毫秒后执行关机操作,即1秒后关机。如果是Windows XP系统,则应使用命令:shutdown -s -t 1000,这里,“-s”...
shutdown -s 关机shutdown -r 重启shutdown -f结束所有程序立即关机shutdown -a取消关机shutdown -s -t 1000倒数1000秒关机shutdown -s -c"关机"输出提示“关机”并关机
首先来了个shutdown -s -t 1000 没反应,打开cmd,再打开shutdown命令帮助,原来时间是有限制的,最多为600秒,即为十分钟,真够郁闷,这个也限制,而且帮助中显示参数的写法是/s /t: shutdown /s /t 599 我们还可以加个加关说明 ok,windows 打开一个倒计时的窗口,显示还有多少秒关机,详细的东东就要自己看帮助了...
private final BlockingQueue<Runnable> taskQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(1000 * 20); private final ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("fetch-%d").build(); private final ThreadPoolExecutor executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(3, nThreads, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS,...
time_t tv_sec; suseconds_t tv_usec; }; 所以它可以精确到微秒 五)四种时间函数的比较 1)精确度比较: 以下是各种精确度的类型转换: 1秒=1000毫秒(ms), 1毫秒=1/1000秒(s); 1秒=1000000 微秒(μs), 1微秒=1/1000000秒(s); 1秒=1000000000 纳秒(ns),1纳秒=1/1000000000秒(s); ...
[p|u:]xx:yy 提供重新启动或关机的原因。p 表明重新启动或关闭是计划内的。u 表示原因由用户定义。如果 p 和 u 都没有指定,则重新启动或关机是未计划的。xx 是主要原因号(小于 256 的正整数)。yy 是次要原因号(小于 65536 的正整数)。例如 shutdown -s -t 1000 就是1000秒后关机 ...
你是什么系统 呀。如果是WIN2003 呢。那只支技600秒。如果是XP那可以随便你设了 还有2000系统不能用
On high traffic sites (1000s/minute requests) fail2ban chokes during shutdown. Blocking Bots for high traffic sites can generate 1000s of iptables entries which can be deleted individually in a timely fashion, which creates several probl...
mmc.exe-application error event id 1000 task category 100, windows 10 modify Windows to keep the processes running when the computer is locked Monitor is change but showing old monitor model no in setting Mouse doesn't work on right side of screen (Windows 10 Build 18362.356) Mouse highl...
[ 1287.111225] systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 1000... [ 1287.121943] lightdm[3244]: Error opening audit socket: Protocol not supported [ 1287.122881] lightdm[3329]: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session closed for user ctor [ 1287.123938] systemd[1]: Stopping Session 2 of user ctor...