The Tamil film industry is based in Kodambakkam, Chennai. The first Tamil silent film Keechaka Vadham was made by R.Nataraja Mudaliar in 1918. The first talking motion picture Kalidas was multilingual and was released in 1931. Balyogini was released in 1937 and was considered the first chil...
Sign InFree Sign Up Write a Review For Business Home>Movies Music and Sitcom>Movies>Indian Regional Movies>Tamil Movies> Mouna Raagam Movie Mouna Raagam Movie Movie Reviews MouthShut Score 89% 4.61 9 Votes Plot: Performance: Music: Cinematography: ...
Soon the company plans to flood the market in newer Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bhojpuri, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati and Punjabi film and non film titles with 18 CFAs, 400 distributors and a dedicated sales force at about 300 locations in addition to its alliances with large ...