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I LOVE LOVEHOLIC(S). And I love dramas with great soundtracks. So as you can imagine, I am very excited about this announcement, and am no longer worried thatShut Up: Flower Boy Bandwill just be a poor excuse for drama producers to slap on the label “rock” while giving us manufact...
4.1020 WindowCollection 4.1021 WindowStartupLocation 4.1022 WindowState 4.1023 WindowStyle 4.1024 WmpBitmapEncoder 4.1025 WrapDirection 4.1026 WrapPanel 4.1027 WriteableBitmap 4.1028 XmlDataProvider 4.1029 XmlNamespaceMapping 4.1030 XmlNamespaceMappingCollection 4.1031 ZoomPercentageConverter 5 ...
Expand Up @@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ EXTRA_PROGRAMS = onvifclient onvifserver giftest overlaytest queuetest dottedsli onvifclient_SOURCES = $(top_srcdir)/src/onvif-client.c $(top_srcdir)/src/gst/onvifinitstaticplugins.c $(top_srcdir)/src/gst/gtk/gstgtkbasesink.c $(top_srcdir)/src/gst...
Sign up DJ LeMahieu provided all of Cole's offensive support, as the Yankees touched Pablo López for two runs and seven hits. LeMahieu stroked a run-scoring single in the third inning, then clipped the top of the right-field wall for a solo homer in the sixth. “[Cole] was pretty lo...
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