She was born nearly two years before I was, on December 21, 1954, and didn’t give me the best reception when I showed up. In fact, she told me that I wasn’t really her brother, that our parents found me in a trash can, felt pity, and brought me home. But as the picture ab...
Byung-hee swoons over his muse at the pool hall with Ji-hyuk and Do-il, and wonders if someday they’ll get to stand on the stage at a rock festival. He gets swept up in the fantasy, describing the moment when they’d take to the stage and the crowd roars. Then he would take ...
No use breaking up this dynamic duo, and the other three claim the other room. The boys unpack, and how much do I love Kyung-jong’s reaction to Ha-jin’s beauty products? Aw, did the Busan boy (Busan stereotype = masculine, tough) not know his other half was so metrosexual? Ha-j...