1、同时按下Windows按钮+R,打开运行对话框。2、在“运行”对话框中,键入shutdown -s -t 和所需的秒数。3、选择“确定”。4、将弹出一个窗口,显示它已收到你的请求,并且你的计算机将在你请求的时间注销。使用PowerShell立即关闭 如果你希望快速立即关闭Windows,请使用Windows PowerShell的Start-Sleep和Stop-...
shutdown /r /f /t 0 /m \\PC3 6. 批量关机与重启 通过批处理脚本批量执行关机或重启操作: 创建批处理文件,执行多个服务器的关机操作: Copy Code for%%iin(Server1, Server2, Server3)doshutdown /s /f /t 0 /m \\%%i 使用PowerShell 批量重启服务器: 执行PowerShell 脚本重启一组服务器: powersh...
打开命令提示符:点击Windows键,输入“cmd”并选择“命令提示符”或“Windows PowerShell”。输入关机命令:在命令提示符或PowerShell窗口中,键入以下命令:shutdown -s -t 秒数,这里的“秒数”代表你想要在多久后关机,例如,如果你想在一个小时后关机,就应该输入:shutdown -s -t 3600取消关机命令:如果你...
@echo off echo.set /p a=请输入自动重启的时间(单位为秒):pauseshutdown -r -t %a% 批处理运行效果如下 当然还有注销等更多用法,由于本文重点不是这些所以就不一一例举了,想研究其它用法可以打开cmd或Windows PowerShell去查看shutdown更多的用法。在cmd中或Windows PowerShell中输入shutdown /?回车即可查看。
Closing Powershell Window Using a Batch Script, Comparing Powershell and cmd in terms of keeping the window open post-execution, How can I ensure that Powershell stays open upon script completion?, Using PowerShell to Close a Popup Window
1 Open Windows Terminal, and select Windows PowerShell. 2 Type the command below you want to use into Windows PowerShell, and press Enter. stop-computer Performs a full shutdown of the computer. OR stop-computer -force Forces running apps to close, and then performs a full shutdown of th...
To remotely shut down a Windows computer using PowerShell, you can utilize the "stop-computer" cmdlet with appropriate parameters. For example, the command "stop-computer -ComputerName SERVER01 -Force" would force the remote computer named "SERVER01" to shut down at once. ...
To force shutdown Windows, open a command prompt (or PowerShell) and execute the following command: shutdown /p We used the/pswitch, which turns off the computer with no time-out or warning. If you want to set a time-out, use the/sand/toptions. For example, the following command s...
PowerShell Copy Shutdown-HpcNode [-Comment <String>] [-Name] <String[]> [-ClusterConnectionString <String[]>] [-Scheduler <String[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell Copy Shutdown-HpcNode [-Comment <String>] -Node <HpcNode[]> [-ClusterConnectionString <String[...