Import error on shutdown/KeyboardInterrupt if ran from Jupyter Lab notebook cell. If ran from script everything works fine. What version are you seeing the problem on? v2.4 How to reproduce the bug Runtrainer.fitfromaJupyternotebookcell,thenclickstopinJupyternotebook.print("---start train--...
找到notebook的相关文件 将其中的 改成四个parent(), 改之前是三个parent()
To accommodate detection of the actual kernel process shutting down via an external process (e.g., jupyter console or the python script you list above), the jupyter kernel application would need to monitor the actual kernel process using KernelManager.poll() and I'm not sure that's what we...
Shift+ J 或Shift+ Down 选择下一个cell。Shift+ K 或Shift+ Up 选择上一个cell。Shift+ M 合并cellShift-Enter 运行本单元,选中下一单元 新单元默认为命令模式 Ctrl-Enter 运行本单元 D,D 删除选中的单元 连续按两个 D 键Shift-M 合并选中的单元 Ctrl-S 保存当前 NoteBook A 在上方插入新单元 B 在下...