Related to Shushan:Shushan Purim (ˈʃuːʃæn) n (Placename) the Biblical name forSusa Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
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Shushan Shushan is a city in the Khuzestan province of Iran. 以上来源于:Wikipedia 英英释义 Shushan Shushan is a city in the Khuzestan province of Iran. 以上来源于:Wikipedia 学习怎么用 词汇搭配 短语 Shushan District蜀山区 ShuShan Wang王树山 ...
1) Shushan 蜀山 1. The place where Yu married nee Tushan—originally, neeShushan,ranges from the upper reaches of Ru and Ying River to Nanyang,the southern area of Erlitou Culture Zone. 禹合诸侯于涂山,为其父鲧死而升化的墠渚之旁山,本夏人圣地,在故陆浑县南,略可当《山海经·中山经》之堵...
商标名称 SHUSHAN 国际分类 第29类-食品 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 32982185 申请日期 2018-08-20 申请人名称(中文) 湖南爱吉薯生态农业发展有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 湖南省永州市新田县龙泉镇陶然街与飞马路交叉口西北角1栋 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 ...
Shushan旅游攻略指南,携程攻略社区! 靠谱的旅游攻略平台,3月最佳的Shushan(Shushan)自助游、自由行、自驾游、跟团旅、出游、游玩线路,海量Shushan旅游景点图片、游记、交通、酒店、美食、购物、玩乐、行程、指南等旅游攻略信息,了解更多Shushan旅游信息就来携程旅游攻略
The tradition of Daniel's residence at Shushan has caused a structure of the Mohammedan period at the foot of the citadel to be called the tomb of Daniel (see Daniel, Tomb of). The Book of Jubilees (viii. 1) reconstructs an eponymous ancestry for Shushan, which it terms "the daughter...
全部播放 专辑名:Radio Luna 歌手:Shushan 发行时间:1999-11-09 简介:<Radio Luna> - 歌曲列表 全部播放播放 全选 01Shushan - Haj Rasq 02Shushan - Shirchara 03Shushan - That Hazy Dusk... 04Shushan - Ya Josephine 网页仅展示部分内容,请移步酷狗客户端查看完整歌单腾讯...
Shushan音乐 Shushan猫眼电影 > Shushan Shushan is a composer and actor, known for Ha-Mashgihim (2012), Jaffa (2009) and Janem Janem (2005).TA的作品(7) 全部 虔诚巡护 演员 饰:Alisha 2012-05-19 00:00:00(法国) Kavod (Honor) 音乐 2010-01-03(以色列) 7.2分 雅法 音乐 2009-05-16 00...