SHURE 舒尔 SM4 K KIT 大振膜电容麦克风双重振膜个人录音话筒 SHURE品牌 7天包换 ¥2299.0月销1件 广州市博鸿商贸有限公司2年 shure/舒尔 BETA58A动圈有线话筒录音K歌直播舞台演出户外麦克风 shure/舒尔,BETA58A专业动圈有线话筒家用K歌直播舞台演出麦克风品牌 ...
Shure Completes Next Generation of Wireless with Microflex® Wireless neXt 4 and 8 Today, Shure announced the launch of Microflex® Wireless neXt 4 and neXt 8 (MXW neXt 4 and neXt 8). Building on the release of the award-winning 2-channel system in 2024, MXW neXt is now available in...
SHURE 舒尔 SM4 K KIT 大振膜电容麦克风双重振膜个人录音话筒 杭州一路发发跨境电子商务有限公司 1年 回头率: 7.7% 浙江 杭州市 ¥1650.00 SHURE舒尔SVX288 PG58直播手持无线话筒会议k歌麦克风一拖二演出 1688跨境官方全球店 3年 回头率: 12.2% 浙江 杭州市 ¥1900.00 Shure舒尔 MoveMic无线自由领...
MoveMic Two Receiver Kit Two Channel Wireless Microphone System With Receiver科技 数码 MoveMic 舒尔 Shure 一拖二 同期录音网 发消息 同期录音网 影视录音中文第一站虚拟女友满足你的一切幻想~ 领取你的AI桌宠 接下来播放 自动连播 全新Gaudio Studio发布,更强大音干分离功能 同期录音网 183 ...
New Shure Audio Conferencing Kit Merges Premium Performance with seamless Setup LEIA O ARTIGO Shure’s Digital Wireless In Ear Monitoring System Has Arrived: Introducing Axient® Digital PSM® Today, Shure announced Axient® Digital PSM®, its first digital wireless in ear monitoring solution th...
盒内包含 2支 MoveMic 无线领夹式麦克风 充电盒 MoveMic 接收器 2条 USB-C 对接线 1条3.5毫米对接线 1 个卷袋/便携保护盒 售价:499 美元官网信息:暂无评论 用户名 密码 匿名发表 Move...
2支 MoveMic 无线领夹式麦克风 充电盒 MoveMic 接收器 2条 USB-C 对接线 1条3.5毫米对接线 1 个卷袋/便携保护盒 售价:499 美元 官网信息: ♬ ♯ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭♬ ♯ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♭...
Wireless microphones can be an incredibly useful tool across all areas of higher education, from use in lectures and at external events to live performances and presentations.
Kit seamlessly integrate with devices like cameras, computers, and third-party smartphone apps. MoveMic’s patented lavalier design and patent-pending wireless technology make it a reliable and flexible solution regardless of whether users are going direct-to-phone or connecting to the MoveMic ...
Shure MoveMic Receiver 无线领夹式话筒 Shure 推出全新无线夹式麦克风系统,体积小巧、功能强大,可直连手机录制长达 24 小时的录音,非常适合内容创作者、摄像师和记者出行使用。 无线领夹式话筒 MoveMic 系统具有更小的外形尺寸,这使其更加隐蔽、低调。支持多达两个音频通道直连手机录音,可提供清晰的音频而不受线材...