未通过SUU更新的无线组件使用红外端口,将更新从主机设备发送到无线组件。请选择您的系统,以获取有关如何启动红外更新的详细说明: MXW发射机固件更新 将所有MXW发射机对接到与您的计算机连接到同一网络和子网的连网充电站。像为任何其他连接的设备安装更新一样,通过SUU安装更新。 注意:如果MXW音频网络接口通过端口4连接,...
SUU IS LOCKED IN "DISCOVERING..." When devices in the Update Devices tab constantly show "Discovering...", make sure your computer and your Shure hardware are configured for the same subnet. An easy way to fix this is to set all devices, including the computer, to Automatic or DHCP mode...
Download Shure Update Utility athttp://www.shure.com/suu. Updating Transmitter Firmware with Docking Station Place transmitters on the docking station and check that docking station is connected to the network. Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates. ...
从 shure.com/SUU 下载最新版本的 SUU. 复位 软件复位 要在不进行手动硬件复位的情况下恢复设置: 1. 双击设备或选择设备. 2. 在设备的设置中,选择恢复出厂设置并使用以下选项之一: ◦ 重启设备:关闭设备的电源,就像将其从网络上断开一样.设备重启后所有设置仍将保留. ◦ 恢复工厂默认值:将所有网络和设备...
Firewall is misconfigured -Ensure the firewall is allowing SUU to send and receive traffic. Step-by-step configuration directions are inShure Update Utility: Devices Don't Display. ANI or MXA310 with Split Subnets -ANI4IN, ANI4OUT, ANI22, and MXA310 don’t support splitting the Shure Cont...
幼儿/小学教育 > 教育管理 > 前端带出独立率性的风格——shure(舒尔)srh1540监听耳机 打印 转格式 82阅读文档大小:664.17K2页ann1qxtrvr1x..上传于2015-02-17格式:PDF
使用SUU下载open_in_new Initial Release Notes User Guide To operate this version of GLXD+ with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions: GLXD1/2+ Transmitters 2.0.15 GLXD+ Frequency Manager 2.0.15 ...
SUU Shure Update Utility The Shure Update Utility (SUU) is a free desktop application for Mac and Windows that downloads, stores, and sends new firmware versions to connected devices. Firmware updates are part of the maintenance of your electronic devices. Firmware updates: ...
Recently Updated MODELDESCRIPTIONTYPELAST UPDATEDDOWNLOAD SLX-DShure SLX-D Digital Wireless system guide. Includes how to set up receiver, check sound and gain, and see groups and channels. USER GUIDE 2024年1月25日 ADX3Online user guide for ADX3. ...
Learn More Software Tools Downloadable aids for Shure equipment and applications. SUUShure Update Utility Wireless Workbench 7WWB7 Designer 6System Configuration Software