Professional Studio Headphones for home and studio recording that deliver an enhanced frequency response with accurate audio across an extended range.
Professional Studio Headphones for podcasting, home recording and critical editing/mixing that deliver consistent and uncolored sound response with accurate audio.
Shure has released some updates to their classic studio staples, the SRH440 and SRH840. The new models have an "A" at the end. Looks like they have an entirely redesigned build and comfort, which is great news for those familiar with the old pairs (especially the 440). Also, no more...
The SRH440A Professional Studio Headphones deliver enhanced detailed frequency response with accurate audio for podcasting, home recording and critical editing/mixing. The consistent and uncolored sound response provides a very accurate representation of recorded audio, making it ideal for capturing talent ...
Shure has been on fire since they entered the professional headphone market in 2010. First up were the then-new Shure SRH840 and SRH440 headphones. We really liked the way they sounded and the comfort they provided. Only a year later, the flagship SRH840 was dethroned by the WIHO Award-...
Professional Studio Headphones for home and studio recording that deliver an enhanced frequency response with accurate audio across an extended range.
Professional Studio Headphones for podcasting, home recording and critical editing/mixing that deliver consistent and uncolored sound response with accurate audio.
Professional Studio Headphones for podcasting, home recording and critical editing/mixing that deliver consistent and uncolored sound response with accurate audio.
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Earpads for SRH440A Headphones SKU: SRH440A-PADS 0.0 No ReviewsWrite the First Review Recommended Retail Price £19.90 Add To Cart Free Shipping Powered by 11ecom - Shure online shop partnerOverview Compatible with SRH440A Headphones. Sold in a pair. Related...