300 Stereo Personal Monitor System SKU: PSM 300 Kies een systeemOverzicht Het PSM300 Stereo Monitor System levert gedetailleerde 24-bit Digital Audio Processing met betrouwbare draadloze vrijheid op het gehele podium. Makkelijk in gebruik, PSM300 biedt een persoonlijke controle op de mix van twee...
Stereo Personal Monitor System PSM 300 PSM300 個人監控器可提供無線立體聲監測功能,從而提高清晰度並減少傳統舞台邊緣的噪音。表演者可透過調整立體聲合成和腰包的總體音量水平以建立其混音,從而在舞台上生成較低的音量和增強音訊細節。PSM300 易於設定和操作,帶有一鍵式頻率同步功能,且可在射機與接收機之間實現可靠...
The PSM300 Personal Monitor System delivers wireless stereo monitoring for improved clarity and reduced feedback over traditional stage wedges. Performers can create their own custom mixes by adjusting the stereo blend and overall volume level at the bodypack, resulting in lower volume on stage and ...
Shure PSM 300 Stereo Personal Monitor System_(720p)来源:长城乐器 时间:2017/7/26 11:37:12 编辑:编辑部http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjkyMDc3MjYxNg==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1#paction 相关视频RunningMan Profx 6v3丨直播时有调音台&无调 2020/9/10 Celestion Vintage 30扬声器VS ...
How to Set Up Shure PSM 300 Stereo Personal Monitor System Sweetwater at Shure HQ Every Icon Has a Story. What's Yours? | Shure The Shure Story: Our Relentless Pursuit of Audio Perfection Why Buy Live Sound at Sweetwater? Shure's P3R-G20 Wireless Bodypack Receiver Features: ...
The PSM® 1000 Personal Monitor System from Shure brings personal monitoring to its most advanced level yet. The full-rack, dual-channel, networkable transmitter is ideally suited for the demands of professional touring and installation applications, and the diversity bodypack receivers deliver pristi...
The PSM®1000 Personal Monitor System from Shure brings personal monitoring to its most advanced level yet. The full-rack, dual-channel, networkable transmitter is ideally suited for the demands of professional touring and installation applications, and the diversity bodypack receivers deliver pristine...
Online user guide for PSM900 wireless personal monitor system. Version: 9 (2020-C) Table of Contents PSM900无线个人监控系统3重要安全事项! 3警告 3收听注意事项 4安全事项 4警告 4小心 4简要说明4特点 4部件5快速入门说明6机架固定发射机 6腰包式 8扫描和同步 8机架单元发射机10前面板控制部件11后面板...
Loaded with advanced hybrid analog/digital architecture, Shure’s P10R+ offers unparalleled sound quality for your PSM 1000 personal monitoring system. This twin-antenna diversity bodypack receiver gives you incredible headroom, stereo separation, and audio fidelity, while also supplying reliable RF perf...
Buy Shure PSM1000 Dual-Channel Personal Monitor System (J8A: 554 to 608 + 614 to 616 MHz) featuring 2 x P10R+ Wireless Bodypack Receivers, 2 x SE425 Sound-Isolating Earphones, Full-Rack 2-Channel Wireless Transmitter, Networkable via Ethernet, Bodypack R