Trova i prezzi più bassi su Shure sm58 ✓ Scopri 20 modelli migliori ✓ Scopri le offerte ora
Émetteur à main avec capsule SM58® SKU:MXW2X/SM58=-Z11 Frequency Band: Parlez à un expert Shure Aperçu L'émetteur à main rechargeable MXW2X/SM58® est idéal pour les présentateurs qui préfèrent tenir un microphone ou le faire circuler...
Le SLXD2/SM58, doté de la légendaire capsule interchangeable SM58®, est un excellent choix pour des présentations et des performances vocales en toute confiance dans les salles de conférence ou les spectacles live.
Shure/舒尔BLX24R/BETA58A SM58无线麦克风BLX14RCN/SM35头戴话筒 南京睿丰智能影音工程有限公司 4年 回头率: 0% 江苏 南京市浦口区 ¥439.58 Shure/专业真分集无线话筒一拖二舞台户外演出家庭酒吧防啸叫 即墨区尚达顺启贸易行(个体工商户) 1年 回头率: 10.7% 山东 青岛市 ¥2880.00 成交6套 SH...
Shure SM58 Vocal Microphone w/ Pouch – Used Used – Excellent $69.99 $69.99 + $75 Shipping Originally $195, now $99 ($96 price drop) $195 $96 price drop $99 + $69 Shipping Similar Products Estimated Value for Shure SM58 Handheld Cardioid Dynamic Microphone on Reverb ...
SHURE舒尔SM58手持麦克风专业演出演出人声有线动圈话筒直播跨境 广州市博鸿商贸有限公司 3年 回头率: 12.9% 广东 广州市天河区 ¥42.00 成交12套 跨境外贸SV200高配有线动圈麦克风卡拉OK演出会议主持家用专业话 品牌 shure 深圳市港茗科技有限公司 1年 回头率: 50% 广东 深圳市 ¥35.00 成交7套 跨...
When using the PRO 41 in settings with a stage monitor speaker, the speaker should be located 180°off axis (at the rear of the microphone).This placement, in conjunction with the microphone’s uniform cardioid pickup pattern, will virtually eliminate the possibility of undesired audio feedback...
shure sm58 cardioid dynamic vocal microphone $99.00 + shure sm57 cardioid dynamic instrument microphone $99.00 + shure by gator sh-rbmicstand12 12-inch round base mic stand $79.99 (ea) x = buy all 3: $277.99 add all to cart or build your own bundle accessories description specs rated 4.5...
Shure SM58 人声话筒用户指南说明书SM58 人声话筒 User guide for the Shure SM58, our legendary dynamic cardioid microphone. Find the frequency response, specifications, placement tips, and more. Version: 6.2 (2023-J) Table of Contents SM58 人声话筒3简要说明3特性 3放置3一般使用规则 3应用与放置 3...
Tough, reliable and always great sounding, the SM58 has won fans and admirers the world over. So we’ve collected 58 reasons why people love this audio icon so much.