Shure Celebrates 100 Years of Audio Innovation Shure Incorporated, a global leader in audio technology, is celebrating its 100th anniversary, marking a century of pioneering innovation, exceptional quality, and unyielding commitment to audio excellence. ...
Shure Ofrecemos experiencias de sonido que te sumergen y te inspiran. Un buen sonido está bien para algunas personas. Pero para Shure, hemos transformado nuestra pasión en innovaciones de audio que producen un sonido impecable. Día tras día. A nivel mundial Desde hace casi 100 años. Obte...
Shure Celebrates 100 Years of Audio Innovation Shure Incorporated, a global leader in audio technology, is celebrating its 100th anniversary, marking a century of pioneering innovation, exceptional quality, and unyielding commitment to audio excellence. ...
Good sound is fine for some people. But at Shure, we’re only interested in delivering sound experiences that immerse and inspire you.
Zepp现已经来到台湾,成为台湾音乐界的最新潮流胜地及乐迷标地!Zepp在每个场馆都采用有着品质保证的Shure产品,Zepp New Taipei也不例外,使用Axient Digital数字无线系统及PSM无线个人监听系统,为观众者及演出者提供高质量的影音环境 阅读文章 ADX5D双通道便携式无线接收机,满足巡回演出对射频和音频质量的要求!
Shure videography microphones for content creators, videographers or film makers, whether you’re recording to your phone or camera, at home or on the move.
The global learning portal for all Shure Technical Training.
Shure SM58 是世界上最受欢迎的动圈麦克风。这款人声麦克风既是传奇人物的选择,也是当今顶级艺术家的选择。
Find Shure product documentation for microphones, wireless systems, software, headphones, and earphones.
SHURE日本官网商城地址: 地域信息: 日本 商城介绍: SHURE是来自美国的麦克风品牌,始创于1925年,其问世四十多年来,舒尔SM58至今仍是全球最受欢迎的人声话筒,现其产品线包括话筒、无线系统、入耳式监听、头戴式耳机、耳机及配件产品等。