Xu Shen, a Han Dynasty scholar, composed Shuowen Jiezi. He finished 2 (edit) it in 100 CE, but due to emperor’s unfavorable attitude towards scholarship, he waited 3 121 CE before having his son Xǔ Chōng present it to Emperor An of Han along with a memorial. ...
Xu Shen's Scholarly Agenda: A New Interpretation of the Postface of the Shuowen jiezi", in Journal of the American Oriental Society, 133.3, 2013, pp. 413-440.O'Neill, Timothy. "Xu Shen's Scholarly Agenda: A New Interpretation of the Postface of the S...
1) the Shuowen Jiezi Xu 说文解字·叙 1. Pursue the Theory of Chinese Character Study and the Meaning of Its Methodology fromthe Shuowen Jiezi Xuwritten by Xushen; 从《说文解字·叙》看许慎的汉字学理论及其方法论意义 更多例句>>
The Shuowen jiezi 说文解字 "Explaining simple and analyzing compound characters", short Shuowen 说文, is the oldest and one of the most important character dictionaries of ancient China. It was compiled by the Later Han period 后汉 (25-220 CE) scholar Xu Shen 许慎. The book was finished ...
The Shuowen jiezi 说文解字 "Explaining simple and analyzing compound characters", short Shuowen 说文, is the oldest and one of the most important character dictionaries of ancient China. It was compiled by the Later Han period 后汉 (25-220 CE) scholar Xu Shen 许慎. The book was finished...
The Shuowen jiezi 说文解字 "Explaining simple and analyzing compound characters", short Shuowen 说文, is the oldest and one of the most important character dictionaries of ancient China. It was compiled by the Later Han period 后汉 (25-220 CE) scholar Xu Shen 许慎. The book was finished...
Xushen’s etymological dictionary, Shuowen Jiezi, differentiates six types of characters. 许慎的《说文解字》将汉字分为六类
The Shuowen jiezi 说文解字 "Explaining simple and analyzing compound characters", short Shuowen 说文, is the oldest and one of the most important character dictionaries of ancient China. It was compiled by the Later Han period 后汉 (25-220 CE) scholar Xu Shen 许慎. The book was finished...
The book of Duan Yucai is a very detailed analysis of the whole text of the Shuowen jiezi. He quotes a lot of ancient literature in his analysis of the meaning Xu Shen has attributed to the character, in order to trace the expansion of the original meaning of the character. This was ...
Testified by stylistic rules and layout of Shuowen Jiezi(《说文解字》), the paper puts forward some views about phonetic notation and interpretation in Shuowen Jiezi after taking in some new research findings. The paper attempts to supply and correct some statements of Xu Shen( 许慎) and ot...