2024年4月10日,产房赠与后勤医疗运行保障办公室员工晋兆琼、赵文富、何光德、李秀丽、吴英、吴小平、张凤七人锦旗,为表示找回遗失之物的感谢。 2024年3月23日周六早上,产科护士长着急的给医疗运行保障保洁主管晋兆琼打电话,希望能够发动员工协助帮助他们在垃圾房和医疗废物中找回遗失之物。晋主管马上安排人员,不论是在...
祝贺四川省医师协会新生儿科医师分会顺利完成换届选举会 2023年12月1日,四川省医师协会2023年新生儿科医师分会换届选举会议在龙之梦宾馆隆重召开。四川省医师协会副秘书长刘群出席大会并致辞。 刘群副秘书长对新当选的母得志会长及新一届的委员们表示祝贺,希望新一届全体委员携手并进,再创佳绩。她指出:四川省医师协会新...
模拟训练,守护患者安全 为了进一步加强医学遗传科/产前诊断中心护理安全意识,提高护理人员在临床工作中对紧急意外情况的应急处理能力和医护之间的协作能力,规范对护理不良事件的上报、分析和管理流程,最大限度的保证患者的安全。2023年4月18日17:30,我科医护联合开展了一次“跌倒/坠床”应急预案处置演练。 本次演练采用...
Read more:Indoor Rowing Regatta draws crowd of Shuswap competitors Read more:Juniors take on rapattack training Despite the physical and mental hardships, team members got along well.Hardy said Kwiatkowski was a great leader, well-organized and good at getting everyone on board. If anyt...
Xu Shu was much valued by Liu Bei for his strategic talents. After several victories on the battleground against Cao Cao, Xu was made the chief military advisor. Cao Cao was greatly surprised at the news. “If you want this person,” one of his advisors said, “you can bring his mother...
Brandi Hansen said she felt her heart drop when she found dozens of bear paws discarded on a North Shuswap road over the May long weekend. The Anglemont-area resident said she was out on a drive with her family on Sunday, May 23, when they came across the paws around the fi...
This week, we report on a few significant news in the Chinese E-commerce space: Xiaohongshu reduced the commission the platform charges to merchant sales from ~20% to 5%. Weibo posts can now redirect users to WeChat Mini-programs
Lu Guobin, manager of Yangzhou Bindings, shows the duplicate of a classic Chinese book, the "Siku Quanshu," or the "Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature," in Yangzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, April 17, 2014. The reproduction of the "Siku Quanshu" will be on displa...
#Vnews# 近日,推特网友@Sudhanshu1414 曝光了2020年三星A系列手机的摄像头参数,显示了明年A系列手机至少将采用三个摄像头,当然信息还有待验证。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
<fragmentandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="400dp"android:id="@+id/newstile"android:name="com.example.pc_255992.news.frag_newslist"></fragment> 10、去除边框 MainActivity.java,这里必须继承Activity publicclassMainActivityextendsActivity{@OverrideprotectedvoidonCreate(BundlesavedIn...