1)Shujintongluo Keli舒筋通络颗粒 1.The II Clinical Study ofShujintongluo KeliTreating the Cervical Spondylosis With the Nerve root type and Vertebral artery type;舒筋通络颗粒治疗神经根型和椎动脉型颈椎病Ⅱ期临床研究 2)Shujinkeli舒筋颗粒 1.Effect ofShujinkelion stroke patients with spastic hemipleg...
1)Shujintongluo decoction舒筋通络汤 2)Tongluo Shujin通络舒筋 1.The paper introduces point embedding,needle knife,electro-acupuncture and massage,Tongluo Shujin,silver and other,clinical often short,effective,and less recurrence,efficacy and stability characteristics.而穴位埋线、针刀松解、电针推拿、通络舒...
1) Shujintongluo decoction 舒筋通络汤2) Tongluo Shujin 通络舒筋 1. The paper introduces point embedding,needle knife,electro-acupuncture and massage,Tongluo Shujin,silver and other,clinical often short,effective,and less recurrence,efficacy and stability characteristics. 而穴位埋线、针刀松解、电针...
舒筋活血 暑热烦渴 疏散风热 舒筋活络 舒筋活血 疏风解表 疏风清热资助【中医宝典】 >>>舒筋 舒筋-中药 舒筋络-中药 活血舒筋-中药 舒筋活络-中药 舒筋活络-方剂 舒筋活血-中药 舒筋活血-方剂 通络 通络-中药 除湿通络-中药 活血通络-中药 祛风通络-中药 祛风通络-方剂 通络止痛-中药 通络止痛-方剂 温...