品 名 舒肝宁注射液 汉语拼音 Shuganning Zhusheye 【主要成份】板蓝根提取物、茵陈提取物、栀子提取物、黄芩苷、灵芝提取物。 【性状】本品为棕红色的澄明液体。 【功能主治】清热解毒,利湿退黄,益气扶正,保肝护肝。用于湿热黄疸,症见面目俱黄,胸肋胀满,恶心呕吐,小便黄赤,乏力,纳差,便溏;急、慢性病毒性肝炎见...
舒肝宁注射液 Shuganning Zhusheye 【处方】茵陈提取物4g栀子提取物3g黄芩苷22g 板蓝根提取物5g灵芝提取物 3.5g 【制法】以上五味,取黄芩苷加注射用水适量混悬,加10%的氢氧化钠溶液使溶解,加入其余四味茵陈提取物等,加注射用水混匀;加0.2%的活性炭,搅匀,煮沸15分钟,滤过,用10%的氢氧化钠溶液调节...
舒肝宁注射液 Shuganning Zhusheye 【处方】 茵陈提取物 4g 栀子提取物 3g 黄芩苷 22g 板蓝根提取物 5g 灵芝提取物 3.5g 【制法】 以上五味,取黄芩苷加注射用水适量混悬,加10%的氢氧化钠溶液使溶解,加入其余 四味茵陈提取物等,加注射用水混匀;加0.2%的活性炭,搅匀,煮沸 15分钟,滤过,用10%的氢 氧化钠...
The Shuganning preparation is mainly prepared from oriental wormwood extract, gardenia extract, baicalin, isatis root extract and ganoderma lucidum extract. The specific process and the parameters for preparing the gardenia extract are improved in the process, so that crocin serving as an active ...
拼音名:Xiao erShuganning Tangjiang 标准编号:WS3-B-1282-93 【处方】 香薷 45g 佩兰 91g 扁豆花 136g 黄连23g 黄芩 68g 厚朴 45g 青蒿76g 芦根 136g 滑石粉 91g 甘草15g 苦杏仁 91g 薄荷 91g 荆芥穗 91g 【制法】 以上十三味,薄荷、荆芥穗提取挥发油。苦杏仁制取杏仁水,其余扁豆花等十味,加水...
1.Objective To optimize the best preparation technique of Yiganshukang capsule dry extractum.目的筛选乙肝舒康胶囊干浸膏的最佳制备工艺。 3)shuganning舒肝宁 4)Shulening舒乐宁 1.Experimental Study on the Effects of Anti-infammation and Anti-swelling of Shulening Solution;舒乐宁抗炎消肿作用的实验研究...
立即下载年轻女子和小女孩坐在秋天森林里倒下的树干上。黑发女人和她的女儿玩耍。女孩穿着米色毛衣,妈妈穿着白色衣服。 立即下载可爱的一家人在春天的森林里玩耍 立即下载两棵交织在一起的树的根 立即下载穿着传统泰国服装的漂亮泰国女孩与大象在一起。
Using Shuganning injection as an example, our findings support the implementation of transporter-mediated Traditional Chinese medicine injection-drug interactions in the development of Traditional Chinese medicine injection standards.doi:10.1055/a-2085-2367Yajuan Bi...
The invention discloses a production method of a Shuganning preparation. The Shuganning preparation is mainly prepared from a capillary artemisia extract, a gardenia extract, baicalin, a radix isatidis extract and a lucid ganoderma extract. According to the production method disclosed by the invention...
BaicaleinApoptosisShuganning injection (SGNI), a TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) injection with good hepatoprotective effects, exerted therapeutic effects on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, the active compounds and effects of SGNI on HCC remain unclear. The objective of this study was to ...